Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, March 18, 2019

Baby Shower

Lindsay and I hosted the postponed baby shower yesterday.  Sweet baby Brielle was in attendance.  

Here is what we did with the paper flowers that I had been making.

 Brielle's mommy, Quinn is gluten free and so were a few of the guests.  Lindsay made gluten free 'scones' and a lemon cake with lemon glaze in a bundt pan using Bob's Red Mill gluten free all purpose flour.  They turned out really well, and were enjoyed by those who sometimes have to pass on treats at parties.

I made regular sweet scones and lemon cupcakes with homemade lemon butter cream frosting!  Can I just say that it was amazing frosting?    You can find the recipe {here}.

 The shower was in the mid afternoon, so besides the scones and cakes, we did cheese and crackers, including some gluten free crackers.

A group of 22 ladies gathered to show love and honor to Quinn.  Here she is with her Mom and Grandma. 

I'm sorry I was gone from the blog for so long.  The cough hung on for a long time, and I'm still working on being completely done with it.  

 Rachel is on her spring break and this week is traveling to visit Emma and to meet her boyfriend Wes' parents.  She'll be back on the weekend and then heads back to school Monday.  We're thankful for the time we've had with her.  

I'm hoping to be back to a regular posting schedule now!

Happy Almost Spring!


Vee said...

Oh sweet baby and I am sure the star of “the show.” Lovely to see the answer to prayer right there in pictures. The flowers and decor are beautiful and I am sure the treats were especially appreciated.

Hope that you are feeling better with each passing day. Glad that Rachel will be back to touch base with you again. Have you postponed your visit to Emma?

Elizabethd said...

How pretty your flowers look.
I have tried making gluten free scones (actually anything) and failed miserably!

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

What a darling baby shower you put together, and how wonderful that baby Quinn was present too, what a joy for everyone to meet her :) The flowers you made are darling, and all the food arranged so delightfully, and looked so yummy! More and more people are realizing gluten is the issue they struggle with, and it is wonderful that there are more options out there now for people who struggle with it. I myself am sensitive to many gluten things as well. I hope you recover quickly from the cough, it sounds quite miserable to have hung on for so long! Hopefully springtime will come soon to your world :) Blessings!

Cheryl said...

Such a sweet occasion . . . to celebrate a new life! You certainly made it special. I am sure it was a blessing to the new mom and her family!!

I am glad that you're starting to feel better. It can be a stubborn bug! Blessings on Rachel's travels and her time with family far and near!

Linda said...

It all looks so lovely! I real celebration. Love the tissue flowers. Sorry I have not been visiting and didn't realize you were ill. Praying for a complete recovery for you, my sweet friend.

Theresa said...

Oh what a beautiful baby and I love her name! The shower looks like a huge success and with little Brielle in attendance makes it perfect! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...