Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Tea With My Mom (and some homeschool news)

I've tried many tea rooms and shops and while many are good, The Tea Trolley in Delta, PA is my favorite 'local' shop.  It is across the river in York County. 

Its in in sweet old Victorian house, with old wood floors and gorgeous windows.  The main reason I like it is that the food is consistently good.

The owner doesn't do different flavored scones, but hers are the best around!

My mom and I went to tea yesterday.  It was a good chance to talk and we both love afternoon tea.  Mom always gets English Breakfast tea and I try different kinds of teas.

There is always a great selection of desserts.

And three kinds of sandwich choices, with two of each kind per person.
It was delightful, as it always is.

Today is our last day of our homeschool co-op for the year.  It always goes by so fast.  We have about a month of school left in our academic year, having started on August 6th last year.  This is Sarah's last academic year, so she will be graduating.  However next year, besides working she'll be taking classes at a local performing arts center.

Rachel finishes her academic portion of her year on May 24th and then has 6 weeks of summer ministry starting in mid June.  She'll graduate in August. 

When we start our next academic year, in August, I'll have one student left.  Kyle will begin high school, so that means only four more years of homeschooling.  We started 25 years ago with Nate!  I'll have had a full career at 29 years!


Linda said...

You absolutely amaze me! So do your children!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

The tea room does sound delightful, Deanna. You are to be commended for homeschooling that many years. I know I couldn't have done it, with one of mine having ADHD. I did homeschool my youngest for kindergarten and that was a wonderful experience for both of us. I don't regret that one bit and I know he enjoyed it too. He was more prepared for grade one than most of his school mates. Have a lovely spring day.

Vee said...

That is amazing! I love your homeschool story. 📚

That tea looked like a fine time out with your mom.

Mrs.T said...

That looks like a most delicious tea! I have fond memories of visiting a tea room in South Carolina with my daughter when she and her hubby lived in that state. On one visit, we were able to have our tea in the garden, which was absolutely lovely.

Yes, what an achievement to have homeschooled for that length of time. You are amazing!

podso said...

A long homeschooling career! Well done, faithful mom.

Sandi said...

My oldest starts high school in the Fall too. We also homeschool.

Any tips or advice?

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