Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, March 4, 2019

Wiinter Wonderland

A big storm moved through yesterday into the overnight.  This morning the trees are covered with snow and its so beautiful.  Looking out the kitchen window its hard to see it with the sun trying to break through the clouds.

 So I went to the front door facing NW and had blue sky and this beauty

 The sun had broken through the clouds but I couldn't get a shot of how pretty the trees were in the sunshine.

School's are on a two hour delay here, and it looks like our roads are clear.  This week temperatures are going to be frigid, with overnights dipping into single digits again.  Hopefully, its winters' last hurrah.  Seriously ready for spring.  

Yesterday, our church held a "Guess Who's Coming For Dinner" event.  People signed up to host or be guests, and were paired up without knowing who was who!  We ended up guests of a couple who we knew casually from a former church!  It was so much fun, to spend the afternoon with them and get to know them better!  I can't wait until we do it again!


Theresa said...

Oh THE BEAUTY! Looks like you guys are having some pretty snow days! That dinner sounds like so much fun! Have a blessed day dear friend, stay safe and warm. HUGS!

Cheryl said...

I hope it is winter's last hurrah. It is sooooo beautiful! Only rain here. But honestly, I am weary of all precipitation . . . even when it is beautiful. I believe it is going to be sunny for several days this week and I don't even care if it's cold those days.

Elizabethd said...

We just do not get snow like that here! How lovely it looks.

Rebecca said...

Beautiful blue sky here today. Just a skiff of snow. Looking forward to a great week loving God and loving others.❤️

Linda said...

Now that sounds like a lot of fun!! Your winter snowscape is beautiful!

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

Beautiful! What a fun church idea.

Kim said...

It snowed here, too. Lots of snow, roads look pretty clear but college classes are all delayed or canceled. I love the look, but am really hoping for spring weather soon.

Vee said...

Beautiful shots!

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...