Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Living Room Rearrangement Preview

For those who may be interested in seeing what I did in the living room, here is basically how it was set up before I moved furniture around.

These photos are from winter two years ago and were basically how the room was still set up.

The big couch was floating in the room with its back to a book case.  The couch was still that way but the bookcase had been moved to my bedroom.

The chair next to the bookcase had been moved to the left on the wall and a small desk with our computer was under the hanging teacups.

My great grandmother's hutch was still angled in the corner.

And the tv hutch was still in the same place.  The little grey table has been moved since last year, and a small black bonded leather chair was in its place.

Now that you have the general idea of the layout, here is what I did.

I moved the hutch flat against the wall, and left the reclining loveseat in place.  I moved the big couch to the wall where the tv hutch had been, and slide the black leather chair over to float in the room.

I moved the chair that used to be where the computer is in this photo, to join up with the leather chair and make and nice conversation cluster in the room.  When we want to watch a movie, the two chairs are easy to turn toward the tv.  I like that the tv is no longer front and center for the furniture arrangement.

I had to take down the teacup holder, and its the first time its been off the wall since I bought it about 15 years ago.  I need to find a spot for it!  And I know I need to do something with the plate wall.  Perhaps, reign it in a bit with fewer plates.  I'm not worried about it now, as I plan to have the living room, kitchen and hallway painted in the next few months.

I also will be tidying up the many books that are floating around the room, picking up the random Nerf projectiles that are everywhere (boy messes), and hanging artwork over the couch.
I did not get the rug yesterday.  I chose to stay home and work on this and take care of my boy who was running a fever yesterday.  Seems like a virus, and it'll run its course.  He has plans to celebrate his best friends' birthday this weekend, so he is motivated to rest and get well!

I'm hoping to stop and get the rug today after I take Sarah to work, but if I don't manage to do that, I'll definitely get it tomorrow when I'm out for groceries!

Oh, one last thing.  When Tim came home yesterday, he said, "I like it.  Its a lot more open."  When Rachel's boyfriend Wes dropped by he said, "Hey, you've rearranged.  I like it.  It's a lot more open."  {grin} 


Vee said...

Those are the kind of compliments one likes to hear! Glad that Kyle is resting...important for a quicker recovery. Dare I make a suggestion?

Elizabethd said...

It sounds as though you have got it just right!

Kim said...

I love playing with the furniture every now and then. It makes the room feel fresh! I love what you did and I agree, it does seem more open. I hope Kyle feels better soon.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I like it! Lovely that you got such positive feedback right away.

I love your yellow walls -- most of my house has yellow walls and when I think about repainting to a different colour, as I consider it, I always come back to yellow. Guess it's still my favourite colour for walls. Warm and cheery and goes well with white or blue or green.

I hope your son is feeling better soon.

Donna said...

Hello from Texas!
The room looks great...I use to rearrange things quiet often...

Rebecca said...

😊It must feel a lot more "open"! Nice!

podso said...

Sounds like some good affirmation on your changes. And it does look nice!

Cheryl said...

Sounds like you have hit upon something here!! "Open" is a good thing! You are a great furniture rearranger-er!! You have such an eye for seeing things in a new way.

Hope Kyle is feeling better by now!! We all (one. at. a. time.) went through flu (or some kind of respiratory virus) in the past few weeks and then a couple of us got colds on top of that. We are ready for spring and for germs to be gone!

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