Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A Quick Mirror Makeover

I bought this mirror at a small shop that sells used and new things.  I really like interesting mirrors, and this one fit the bill.  My plan had been to paint it with chalk paint in white.

The details are so pretty...

Well, as things go, I didn't have any white chalk paint, and didn't have it budgeted for so I didn't do anything for a year.  I just had it on a small bookcase in my bedroom with some lovely dried hydrangea.

Then inspiration hit me! What if I used my Rub 'n Buff to give it some shine like my other gold mirrors?!

Yesterday I did it.

Here is where it is currently - back on the small bookcase in my bedroom.  

However, I have thought of having Tim hang it in the master bathroom.  We shall see where it ends up, but for now I'm very happy with how it looks and where it is living in my cottage!

Are you all set for Thanksgiving tomorrow? My turkey is thawed and waiting in the fridge.  Tonight I'll slow roast that Tom, breast side down, in a 350 degree over for an hour, then I'll turn it down to 200 degrees, and let it cook until tomorrow afternoon.  It'll be juicy and moist, with the best flavor! Plus the wonderful juices from the turkey make awesome gravy!  Give it a try and you'll never cook a turkey a different way!


Vee said...

Rub n Buff! That’s what that stuff is. I must look for it. Is it in the paint section? Your mirror turned out beautifully. Such lovely details.

Guess what?! My sister’s husband put her in charge of the turkey and she’s doing it the slow roasted way! I am so excited about it. It really is the easiest way to do turkey. No opening the oven and no basting the bird. ☺️

A blessed Thanksgiving to you and yours!

Theresa said...

LOVE the mirror! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I hope yours was perfect! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Cheryl said...

That was a great way to give your mirror new life!

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...