Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, November 15, 2019

Friday Five

Today for the Five, I have mediocre photos of my plate wall.  I finally got brave to hang the plates back up on the wall.  I had hoped that Rachel would help me, but she was doing something so I just bit the bullet and got it done! I edited some of the plates I had up here previously and also ended up with a more curved shape and I'm loving it!

1. It's hard to get good photo, and I couldn't keep the doorbell wires out of the photo either!

2. I'm really liking the plates I hung up, and I may add more plates.  You never know.

 3. This is a new plate.  I found it a few weeks ago at Christmas Tree Shops.  I could easily have a million dishes as I love a beautiful pattern.  But by buying one plate to hang on the wall, I can delight in the beauty of the design without feeling like I need to buy enough plates to serve Thanksgiving dinner.

4. This pretty plate is metal and I bought it in Scotland.  It has Victoria and Albert's monogram.

5. This pretty plate was found for me by a friend.  She was at a yard sale and thought I'd like it.  She was right!

I'm thankful it is the weekend.  After hosting a book study with ladies from our church, meeting with the bride whose wedding I am coordinating in late December, sitting with our friends during my friends' heart surgery, and co-op, I'm ready to relax.

Of course, I am thinking about going out to buy an artificial Christmas tree, so how much relaxing will actually happen remains to be seen. {grin}


Elizabethd said...

You certainly have some very attractive plates.

Vee said...

Love your plate wall! You were brave to go it alone, but look how nicely it came out. I really like that large white center platter.

Are there some good sales on Christmas trees? I have never bought a tree that wasn’t on sale so I hope that you can find one, too.

Deanna said...

Lovely arrangement of plates to enjoy all year through. These make for a great focal point. I don't have an arrangement up as of yet, but have some platters that I am wondering where to go with them. Sure like the look!
Blessings to you and I hope you get to relax.

Kim said...

I think the wall looks great. Those plates are so fun! I do the same thing , buy just one to feed the need and hang it up!! And I hear you with the photos. I wrestled with my kitchen windows all week and today I finally gave up. Sometimes it is what it is! Have a great weekend!

Cheryl said...

That is a great solution to your dish-collecting dilemma! And what a pretty solution too! I love that you have memories attached to many of them.

Hope you are able to fit in some down time after this intense week!

Estelle's said...

I adore a plate wall Deanna...I know you must enjoy your collection!

Tea and Friendship

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