Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Life Is Grand!

Remember when I mentioned I had family news that I couldn't tell?  Many of you guessed either a new grandbaby or engagement.  Rachel's engagement was not the news.

This was....

Coming in June 2020. 

We're all excited!

 That'll make 4 grandbabies born in June! (the other two were born a day apart in October!)


Cheryl said...

Happy, happy congratulations to all of you!! ❤

Vee said...

Warm congratulations! You have a big, wonderful family and it is still growing. In fact, the family has just begun. Golly, those two look so much alike. I love it when siblings look related.

Linda said...

Wonderful news! I just love you and your wonderful family!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Congratulations! That's how we found out Oliver was on the way.

Jan said...

Congratulations!! Lots of exciting news for you this month. Big brother and Big sister are so cute!

Theresa said...

Congratulations, SOOOO excited! Two CUTIES making that announcement! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Thankful for Grace said...

That's so exciting. Congratulations!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Yes, yes, that is exciting news! Congratulations to you and all your family! xox

Kim said...

Congratulations Grandma! June is going to be a busy month at your house!!

Buttercup said...

Woo hoo! So happy for your wonderful news and for Rachel's engagement.

Lorrie said...

Exciting news! Congratulations!

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...