Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, November 8, 2019

Friday Five

The weather has turned from mild autumn to the deep chill of November (at least overnight!). With the early darkness comes a chance to get cozy in the evenings!

1. My dried Limelight hydrangea are looking amazing in front of the mirror at the end of the hallway.

2. I bought some magazines for inspiration.  I love to hold magazine and savor the pages, but I now why the print industry is struggling.  These two magazines cost me $25.00! (I had a gift card to use, but still!)

3. This is what Kyle did with the hat I knit.  This lamp is next to the computer where he spends a lot of time!

4. I'm beginning my quick gift making.  I love this pretty yarn!

5. You may remember that my MIL turned 98 last week.  Tim and I sent her flowers and her is a photo of her enjoying them!

It's been an emotional week for me.  My friend is stable at the moment and instead of surgery today, it will be Tuesday or Wednesday next week.  Thank you for praying!

Have a great weekend!


Theresa said...

Beautiful hydrangeas! I love magazines but don't buy them anymore. They have just gotten too expensive. I did recently buy a subscription for Southern Living as a fundraiser but it is over now. What a gorgeous picture of your MIL! Enjoy your day dear friend, I will keep praying for your friend! HUGS!

Vee said...

Oh your mother-in-law is truly enjoying her birthday bouquet. Look at her sweet smile.

I know that you are very concerned for your friend. Ongoing prayers for her.

Kyle not only has a sense of humor, he has a sense of style! 😁

Oh it is cold, but no white stuff and, for that, I am grateful.

A question: is the basket being used for the hydrangeas vintage? It looks so much like a basket I have that I know belonged to my great-grandmother.

Thankful for Grace said...

Wow, 98! I hope she is still enjoying good health. Hydrangeas are my favorite flower, and I love them dried, especially the limelight ones. They really do dry easily...and beautifully. Asking the Lord to guide the surgeon's hands next week. How blessed she is to have a caring friend like you in her life. I have that same issue of Country Home. I devoured it on the recent plane trip to see my parents.

Luludou said...

Loved reading your post. will be thinking of your friend.

Estelle's said...

The gorgeous hydrangeas..just stunning..and I love that yarn too....your MIL is so beautiful with the lovely florals....and yes, can you beleive the price of magazines these days??? Have a great weekend Deanna!

Cheryl said...

Love the photo of your sweet mother-in-law enjoying her birthday flowers! That made me smile. And Kyle's hat . . . that made me smile too, but in a different way! :D

I have that holiday edition of Country Home. I also bought the autumn issue. If I buy the yearly subscription using the card that came in the magazine, I would pay less than those two issues! Hmmm . . .

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