Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Home Keeping: Ottoman

I am short. Just about 5' tall. Most years of my life, I was very flexible and just curled up on the furniture rather than have my legs dangle down with out touching the floor properly.

But in the last 5 years I've had lower back issues, and right now I'm having an issue with my left knee.  We had a love seat that was a dual recliner, so I sat in that for several years and solved the lack of being able to 'curl up' on the furniture. Until that piece of furniture didn't work properly anymore.

So we got lovely new chairs from Ikea.  They make an ottoman that matches it but I didn't like the look of it, so we didn't buy it.  I've been using a toddler chair to prop my feet on which is fine, but when my knee hurts it was hard to ice it without my leg being out flatter. (hope this makes sense)

My solution was to have the coffee table brought up close to the chair and put my legs up on that.  No problem until I had to get up.  Then someone had to move the very heavy coffee table so I could move!

Sunday night I finally took the situation in hand and searched the internet for an ottoman.  I found one at Target.  It came yesterday.

I took this photo nearly right away!

This morning I took a few more photos of it.

The lid is removable for storage, too.

It's perfect and I'm glad to have found something stylish and affordable!

My short legs are happy, too!


Cheryl said...

I love it!! It is a perfect . . . and pretty . . . solution!! Doesn't it feel great to find a simple answer to a problem?

Linda said...

I love that ottoman. We have two ottoman's --my mother in law was going to throw them out. They are rectanglur--I like that one you have. Hope you have a great day! P.S. I do have a blog too;

Vee said...

I had one in its box for all of the pre-Christmas season because I gave one to my daughter-in-law for Christmas. Yours does not look cushy, which can cause problems. I will have to see what Michelle’s is like. I haven’t been formally introduced. I have a wonky left knee, too. It has lasted about nine weeks...improving, but I can aggravate it so easily. I got mine by trying to put my feet up. I put them up on a chair that was much too high so I hyper-flexed the knee. How did you get yours?

Barb said...

I love your new ottoman! I have a daughter who is only 4' 10", and it's really hard to find furniture that is comfortable. It's not even good to have your legs dangle from a chair. The ottoman is beautiful, and the added storage is wonderful!!

GrammaGrits said...

Love your new ottoman! We have two in our living room, both with lids that provide storage inside - one round and one rectangular that is used instead of a coffee table.

Susan Zarzycki said...

Very nice! I am a shorty too and have the same (age related?) Issues you do and love my electric recliner. It used to belong to my dad. I love that it's adjustable.💖

Kim said...

Perfect! I love the tufting and the color. It's important to have the proper support when you sit. I've been struggling with my desk chair lately. It's just an extra chair from my kitchen table , but it's terrible for my back and neck. I've put off buying a real one because they were either ridiculously expensive or didn't go with my style. However, I broke down Monday night and ordered one. It arrives this weekend, fingers crossed it's as nice as your ottoman!

Theresa said...

I love it. I am short too so I understand exactly what you mean. I sit in a recliner and love it. Enjoy your evening dear friend. Hugs

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