Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, February 3, 2020

Monday, Monday

I kind of disappeared at the end of last week, didn't I?

I often don't post on Thursdays, that's our co-op day, but I completely missed Friday Five.  I partly missed it because I was recovering from my second round of the nasty cough and I hadn't been taking any photos.  No new photos are not good for a blog.  I also didn't blog because, we had an appointment with the seamstress who is fitting Rachel's dress.

Saturday, Tim, Wes, Rachel and I went to breakfast which was a nice time to spend with them.  They've been busy between work, and doing wedding things, having pre-marital counseling, meeting up with friends so we haven't had much time together lately.  Breakfast was a good time.

That evening the men in our family, along with some friends went to a wild game dinner at my parents church.  So, Sarah, Rachel and I went to see Little Women. (the girls hadn't seen it yet)  They loved it and it was fun to see it with them.  We tried out a new theater in our area, that serves food, that you can eat during the movie.

Yesterday, was church, then we met up with my parents to have lunch at a local Mickey D's.  This one has a huge play area, and since we take Kamryn and Klaire to church with us, we can feed them and let them play afterwards.  We enjoyed sometime with my parents before heading home.

We are not generally Super Bowl watchers.  We watched a movie with Sarah, who then went to spend sometime with friends at a Super Bowl party.  Wes and Rachel were at his brothers' house, so Tim and I took the opportunity to watch an episode of the new season of Vera on Britbox.  We, of course, had a cuppa.

Today, Tim is home gathering the tax stuff, Sarah is home with a fever, and I will probably go out to run some errands.  The sun is shining and I am going to enjoy it as much as I can.

Have a great day!

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Tea and Friendship

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