Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Tea on Tuesday

I’m posting from my iPad today, because Tim is on the main computer. He’ll be leaving soon to do inspections, but I’d like to get this post out before 10:00 am.

I bought this tea cup while antiquing with Cheryl from Thinking About Home and our husbands.  I love having such a beautiful reminder of time spent with someone dear to me.

I’m going to tea tomorrow with friends.  One of my friends lives four hours away and when she comes, we try to get together for tea.  I love the specialness of time at a tea room. Drinking tea, eating scones, and lovely little sandwiches.

I’m grateful for opportunities to spend with friends, aren’t you? They’re such a gift from God!

I’ll try to get some photos and share them next week for Tea on Tuesday.

In other news, we replaced our broken recliner, with a nice brown leather library style chair that reclines.  I’ll share it with you tomorrow, since it just arrived and it’s so grey and rainy today!


Linda said...

I totally agree...if you like, we are having a blog hop of sorts today...and the meme is about parties and such. How much fun we all would have if we could meet up with one another. It has been fun. smiles

Barb said...

I love spending time with friend, especially when they come from a long way off...such a nice treat. Your teacup is beautiful, I love the cute strawberries on it!

Looking forward to seeing your new recliner, it sounds so nice!

Have a beautiful Tuesday, what's left of it anyway!

Theresa said...

Beautiful Teacup. Enjoy your time with friends. Hugs

Cheryl said...

That is a happy memory . . . that day that we all spent together!! (Except for the part where we nearly COOKED in that antique store. Remember that?!) The strawberry tea cup was such a lovely find, perfect for your collection.

Oh, friend, I cannot wait until we can get together for tea again! It will be worth the wait!!

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...