Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

I Think I've Been In A Slump

Have you ever felt as if you've been busy, you've had creative outlets: freshening up your home, sewing, and wedding planning, but you just feel kind of blah?

That's been me.  Frankly, I've been in a slump.  I feel unmotivated, and some days haven't done much, except the basic necessities.

I think that it's partly the emotions of separation that I am feeling.  Rachel is getting married in April and in her heart she's already gone.  This is normal and good.  We are very happy for her and Wes.  It does, however, create a bit of an emotional wrench for me because I'm trying to have time with her before she leaves our home to create her own.

I have lots of adjustments to make this year, a daughter marrying, a new grandbaby, a daughter going to school in the fall, being at home with just Tim and Kyle, who is on the cusp of manhood.

I am beginning to come out of the slump because I recognize I've been in one.  I've done some rearranging in my bedroom, changed up the table on the deck, read two books.


Now for some personal work.  I'm nearly back on track with my eating plan, but on days I'm feeling my slump, I eat off plan and that doesn't help with my slumpiness, if you know what I mean.

I'm getting my hair cut next week. I've been wearing it a bit longer and fuller, but I'm going back to something like this.

I've ordered some dresses to try for the wedding.  I will not be wearing bling or a long dress.  The wedding is in the afternoon, so I'll likely just be wearing a pretty dress.

I'm planning to join a friend soon for tea. Maybe more than one friend for multiple teatimes!  


Anonymous said...

I have not felt my energetic self this cold, dark Alaska winter. Some days, I am only able to keep things functioning and give myself grace of not being more productive. I'm a long time reader of your blog, thank you for sharing! I'm in the season of growing up children and change, although none of mine are married yet. You are such a blessing!

Vee said...

More than one tea and more than one friend sounds like a plan! We all fall into a slough once in a while. I watch a fun You Tube channel with a gal on some Keto plan. She takes me to lunch with her every day. 😏

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I'm not experiencing slumpiness at the moment but I certainly have been there on occasion and recognize the symptoms you mention. Of course, it's perfectly okay to be there -- what with so many shifts and changes in your life, no matter how lovely, how can they not press on soul and mind. Just know that I am saying a wee prayer that the Comforter who has come will be that Balm of Gilead exactly in the way you need it today.

Sending hugs and warmest thoughts...
Brenda xox

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I went through a hard time after both Stephanie and Christopher left. It was never the same and I admit I had more fun when they were home. Eventually a new normal was forged.

Linda said...

Slumps happen....and I can understand your emotions with all the changes. You do well.
Love you......

Cheryl said...

Oh, I am hearing your mama-heart loud and clear, dear friend!! Last year was such a year of change for us. Kati getting engaged, married, and moving away. Bekah graduating. The end of my life as a homeschool mom. The realities of aging parents. Some of the changes were joyous, but all of them were hard on my heart in some way. I am praying for you . . . that you have grace for the day. One day at a time. Grace.

And yes, there is joy in the midst of it! I hear your excitement as you speak of wedding plans and new grandbabies. And tea with a friend or two! I hope that I am one of those friends!! ❤

Rhonda said...

I get into those slumps now and then. Weather permitting, I have started walking in the mornings with two friends and that seems to be helping me so much. Just getting outside, breathing in that fresh air and moving. I'm finding I have more motivation during the day and I sleep better at night. And walking with friends makes the walk go faster too!

Rebecca said...

I'm familiar with "slumps". ❤️🙏❤️

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...