Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, March 16, 2020

Bridal Shower

Rachel's bridal shower on Sunday afternoon was really fun and we had a great gathering of family and friends.  Five of the grooms' aunts, and his sister in law came, and it was delightful to meet them!

On Saturday afternoon we had a call that the church, where Rachel's shower was being hosted, had cancelled everything for at least two weeks.  This included Rachel's shower!

We cried some tears, then we got busy.  We texted, emailed and made a few calls.  The shower would now be at our home, BUT, with a project list for outdoors for early April before the wedding, and a deep cleaning needed for the living room/ kitchen, we had to get busy quick!

Sarah wrote a list as I thought of the things we could practically do, with Tim and Kyle out of town for the weekend.  With that list written, Rachel and I headed out to do the errands that had been planned for Saturday afternoon, and Sarah and our friend Luisa got busy.

When we arrived back home, nearly everything had been done.  Weston was here doing some outdoor work, and we finished up cleaning in the house.  

 By Sunday afternoon, everything was ready, and guests started to arrive.  I took these photos during people arriving and then didn't get anymore.

Rachel was gifted so many lovely things for herself and her home.  We are grateful to God for the love and support of family and friends.

We now are becoming concerned about the likely changes to large group gatherings and a potential quarantine situation like Italy.  There will still be a wedding, but it may look very different than we planned. 

Still, God knows, and we are resting in His goodness.  What an amazing time in world history.

I hope you are well, and have everything you need to self isolate.

We're praying, and I know you are, too.


Cheryl said...

I can imagine all the scurrying to get everything done with one day's notice!! But you and your team pulled it off and everything looks beautiful!!

Indeed it is an amazing time in world history. So many changes . . . day by day! It is disappointing to have to change long-held plans and sacrifice our dreams, but, as you say, we can continue to rest in His goodness. Praying for Rachel . . .

Vee said...

Self-isolate? Only if I actually am ill. This thing is nuts! Are we going to do this every time some new virus comes down the pike? Goodness, talk about social and financial suicide.

Though not in your plans, I suspect that having the shower at your home was a more pleasant, cozy experience. Now I am praying that the dust settles before the wedding so plans will not go awry. 👰🏻

Rebecca said...

Glad you were able to host the shower in your home.
Much on hold here, too. Funerals for graveside services with possibility of memorial services down the road....

Tea and Friendship

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