Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, March 2, 2020

In Like A Lamb

The old saying is that if March comes in like a lamb, then it will go out like a lion, and vice versa.

Here in Lancaster County it has come in like a lamb, so we'll see how the month goes out!

We had a good weekend.  Friday was so busy that I ended up doing my grocery shopping on Saturday morning.

If you remember I was working on skirts for the feather dusters for Beauty and the Beast.  Friday night was when the costumes were looked over by the director and adjustments made.

 It's going to be a fun show.

Saturday morning, Sarah had work from 5:30 - 9:00am then went to rehearsal from 9:30 - 1:00pm.  They are working hard on this production!

Since Sarah needed the van, Tim and I made a date of grocery shopping Saturday morning and he suggested breakfast out.  Yes, please!  We ran some errands too, and came home.

Some of my flowers from Aldi are still going strong.

This is what the two bouquets looked like when I bought them.

Now, Aldi has plants and I couldn't resist this ivy.

I've addressed the bridal shower invitations and they'll be going out this week.  Sarah and the bridesmaids are hosting this event at my mom's church in just a few weeks!

The sun is shining and I'm grateful.  Later in the week we'll get some rain again.  I know the local farmers are glad.

This week, besides a bit of trim work on the skirts for B and B, I plan to clean out the linen closet in the hall bathroom.  The refrigerator and freezer got a good cleaning this past week!

I tend to clean bit by bit, and everything stays pretty clean all the time. A few times a year things get a deep cleaning.

I think this quote is a perfect reminder that everything will be accomplished!

Spring Quotes Lao Tzu Nature Does Not Hurry


Sue said...

I always enjoy live drama, and this seems like a good one.
Our March came in like a lamb, too, hope it stays that way, I have so much garden to attend to.
The flowers are lovely, it seems a lot of us ladies are getting flowers lately, Aldi is a great place to shop, very reasonably priced.
I used to clean room by room, but lately it seems I also clean a little here and a little there, for some reason it all comes together, which I am so thankful for.
have a great day.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Morning Deanna, Yesterday it dawned bright and beautiful and calm. This morning it's a little overcast and very windy. Like you, we'll see how the month progresses as to lambs and lions. Your flowers are beautiful, and I do love that ivy and where you placed it. Breakfast out alongside the grocery shopping run is a real boon in my books. Being nosy: did you go for classic bacon and eggs, omelet, pancakes/waffles, yogurt, granola and fruit? Wishing you a beautiful week ahead. Oh, and the play looks like it's gonna be great. Brenda xox

Barb said...

I'm so glad you are having a lamb instead of a lion...we got the lion, with snow and wind yesterday, I'll be looking forward to the lamb. The costumes look great, and the flowers are so pretty! Flowers just seem to cheer everything up this time of year.

I Love the quote! Have a good week!

Sandi said...

Nature does not hurry. Good to remember!

Love the costumes. I hope this year March comes in like a lamb and goes out like one too.

Linda said...

Well, February went out like a lion with a winter storm, March entered in like a lamb with rain in western NY. Today it is 55*, no worries, snow is in the forecast for Friday. We are known to get snow all the way up to Memorial Day.

Such lovely photos, have a great week ahead!!! smiles

Jan said...

We've enjoyed our 8th grade granddaughter's theater classes productions this year. She was Willie Wonka last semester and did a wonderful job! (Not that I'm the least bit prejudiced!)

Vee said...

That’s my approach to cleaning as well. Alas, I am getting behind. Hopefully, things will change. A little bit of everything going on in your corner. March came in bitter cold and blustery up here. Hope that portends well.

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