Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, March 27, 2020

Friday Five

This Five is random things from my week.

1. We kept our granddaughters on Sunday, while their parents helped friends move.  The friends had to move and had hired movers.  The movers cancelled on them, so Nate and Kay helped them all day.  

2. I slow roasted a turkey the other night.  I used some of the meat to make Turkey Packets, and the rest went into the freezer.  Turkey Packets (usually made with chicken) are easy to make.  I put the cooked meat into a mixing bowl with an 8oz block of cream cheese. You can add some onion if you want.  Then take crescent rolls and put two together to make a square/rectangle. Place a scoop of the chicken mixture in the middle of the rectangle and draw the sides up over the chicken mixture.  Drizzle melted butter over them and cook at the temperature and time for the crescent rolls. They are delicious! We served them with a nice green salad.

3. I've been using my essential oils to clean and purify my home.  Plus it smells good!

4. The reality of what my kitchen counter can look like.  Basket for mail and business papers, my diffuser, a big bowl of Cara Cara naval oranges, coffee syrups from the bridal shower, the jar of coffee pods, a Keurig, tea pots, my flower seeds!

5.  My seeds are happy

The weather is warming up nicely here.  I'm going to have to repot some of these seeds or just get them into the ground - soon!

Happy Weekend, Friends!  I'm thinking of you and praying for all!


Vee said...

Oh those turkey packets sound delicious. Good time for roasting those saved turkeys. Yes, your seeds do look good...I love those peat pots since the plant doesn’t have to be disturbed. All the snow that arrived on Tuesday is gone, including from the driveway that I did not have plowed.

Cheryl said...

As much as life is not normal right now, there are parts of it that are normal (sweet grandbabies, cooking, counters) and that is comforting.

Rebecca said...

Happy Friday to you!

Linda said...

AWW...your granddaughter is precious! Thank you for bring such smiles. Have a beautiful weekend, friend.

Linda said...

What a sweet baby!! It's a good Friday here!! Speaking of Good Friday - I usually host a Family Gathering on that day. Not sure what Easter will be like this year but I am confident and I know who holds the future.

Theresa said...

Oh that sweet baby, I know you enjoyed having her with you! My kitchen counter has a variety of things on it too:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

windmillwishing said...

Hello friend. It's been a while. I am so glad yall are doing well. Us too. Wow that turkey looks yummy and your grand baby is ADORABLE. Have a great weekend. Stay safe..

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...