Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Sharing Some Beauty In The Midst Of Uncertainty

Everyday something new is announced.  Yesterday it was that our governor has chosen to close all non essential stores, restaurants (other than take-out), bars, and other businesses.  Our bank is closed until the end of the month, too.

Tim still is busy with inspections, Rachel is working, and so is Sarah.  They are taking precautions with hand washing and sanitizing.

Our sweet friend Luisa, who is here to spend a week of her spring break with us, will now be here until the end of the month.  We are delighted to have her here, and since her parents are Peruvian and work in Bolivia, I'm happy to provide a safe, loving place for her to shelter.  

 We have never seen such closures ever here in the states, let alone around the world.  We've never closed everything down for the flu, or even other corona family of viruses.  So I think many of us are wondering why? 

We are set for the next few weeks for food, and we have a decent supply of toilet paper for 6 people.

 Our daily lives haven't changed so much, but bigger events having been cancelled leave us with our evenings free.  We've been reading, and watching movies.  Kyle is still doing is school work.  I'm still cooking.

 My parent's are well prepared too, and don't need to go out for anything.  They just will need fresh veggies and fruit.  Lindsay and Joseph live in the apartment at my parents' house, so they are there to help with anything my parents might need, and Tim and Rachel are often in my parents area while on their way to work.

I spent time video texting with my daughter in the Nashville area yesterday, and today I'm going to be in touch with my sister in laws.  Just to check in on everyone.  Modern technology makes it so easy, doesn't it?

I'd like to pray for specific needs or concerns you may have, so if you feel comfortable doing so you can leave a comment here.  Also, since I moderate my comments you can let me know and tell me not to publish the comments.

We have a lovely, caring community here and I want this to be a place of encouragement for you.

Several times this week I've been reminded of Psalm 4:8 - "I will lie down and sleep peacefully, for you, Lord, make me safe and secure."

We can trust our lives to God and trust Him to be with us, to provide for our needs, and to be our true shelter.

Much love and peace to you!

ps- the flowers were purchased at Whole Foods for Rachel's shower on Sunday.  I'm cheered by their beauty!


Vee said...

They are beautiful! I’m wearing a grin and now I know why. Well I have all I need for now and am planning to sit tight through the end of March. All medical things have been cancelled for now. A matter of prayer: my niece is expecting her second baby April 12 and she is currently planning for a home birth if it should come to that. Please pray with me that it won’t. 🙂

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Stephanie has been after us to stay home so we are now ready to shelter in place. I'm cancelling my retinal specialist appointment and everything else has already been cancelled. Hubby went to buy water softener salt today, that was the last thing we needed. Can't have our water turning orange and pipes corroded. Those flowers make me smile.

Theresa said...

We are staying in and staying busy. It is strange and scary times but I pray we will stay safe and this will all be over soon. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS@

Cheryl said...

I think we just do what we can do . . . and know that we are in His hands! Certainly, we will enjoy the time together. I am such a homebody, that staying at home in itself does not feel confining. Beyond that though, I pray for those who are ill, those who are afraid, those who are making important decisions, and that the Body of Christ be salt and light to those around us.

podso said...

The flowers are lovely! Yes things change by the hour it seems. Even our libraries are closed, appointments canceled. Our Bible study will meet on zoom tonight. It's all a bit overwhelming, but good to know that God has this in His hands.

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...