Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Finding Motivation

Lorrie, in a comment yesterday, mentioned that she was finding it hard to be motivated.  I totally understood.

It seems crazy because we are home full time right now, at least most of us, and we have lots of time on our hands!  We should be doing all the things we talk about doing if we had the time....

However, we are in an unprecedented time in history.  I can think of no other time when the whole world was taking similar measures to combat something, except perhaps during the Spanish Flu.

All around the world friends are at home, whether they are in Australia, or the UK, or Africa.

I think it's okay to what you need to do each day.  If it's being highly productive, then do it! If it's watching a movie, on the couch, or reading a book, or sitting in your garden, then do it!

There is no shame in feeling vulnerable and being concerned for the future. This doesn't mean we are letting fear control us, it means we are human.

Yesterday, I did school with Kyle (which is mostly overseeing him working independently), watched a movie with Rachel, and reorganized this bookcase.  I felt very accomplished.

 Today, I'm going to wash the fabric that I purchased to make baby quilts for a few grands.  This will be a step forward toward actually sewing the quilts. 

I'm also going to read a new book I bought recently, supervise school, and make dinner.

Today is rainy again.  Yesterday, it rained too, and the sun didn't peak out until I was in the middle of cooking dinner, so I didn't get outside to sit in the sunshine.  If you have sunshine where you are, take advantage of it!  It's good for our mental health!

I hope you are all well.  I read this morning that Prince Charles has the coronavirus but the Duchess of Cornwall does not.  He seems very healthy and I'm sure he'll come through it just fine.  The issue will be weather or not the Queen has been exposed.  At nearly 94 she is in a risk category, but she seems to be very healthy overall too.  

I'm praying for all those who are working in the medical field, those who are sick, and those who are well.  We might be self quarantined but nothing can stop prayer!


Lorrie said...

Being kind to ourselves is what I take from this post. I've had two days of doing not very much at all, and last night decided that this needs to stop. I also realized that I'll be going through this isolation quite alone, because Tim is working very long hours. However, I do know of other people who are all alone and won't have someone coming home at night who needs dinner. So I will pull myself up by my bootstraps and "do the next thing."

podso said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one -- so many projects, so little being done. Our county just declared everyone home except for healthcare workers, etc. All we can do is go to the grocery or drug stores. For at least 21 days. Think of all the projects I could get done! But there is lots to pray about, as you say, and that is where one of my foci is.

At least one small accomplishment in a day feels good though--as well as the sunshine which just came out!

Linda said...

Oh, my! I had not heard about Prince Charles! Prayers for so many who are infected. It is truly scary right now. I tend to clean like my hair is on fire or sit in a stupor. We are all doing the best we can.....there’s plenty of sunshine here today and really warm temps! I’m wonderful if the heat has any impact on the virus?
Love and prayers for you and yours......

Sherry said...

many projects with one in particular yet to be done today. I can easily become overwhelmed with the enormity and this is the case with the guest room that resembles a war zone. sigh.... onward!

Linda said...

One good thing about this being home, I actually have time to work on and finish homework to which, I am happy to say I am 2 weeks ahead. I really had no idea if I was going to finish all this homework for Spanish and still work on my final research paper. ANYWAYS---where was I?

I suppose I ought to really dust --the house needs it, wink. Have a beautiful week.

Becki said...

I'm so glad to know I'm not alone in feeling ummotivated. Somedays I'm downright tired - and have really done nothing to warrant it. Messed up sleep patterns means days can be half over before being fully ready for the day. I wonder how many others have trouble falling asleep before 2 or 3 a.m.? I know as the days go by daily life will assume a semblance of normal and motivation will likely return, but these early days are filled with proccupation (even if not true worry). Being continually distracted by anything will sap a person's motivation and focus.

Today, after lunch, I spent a couple of hours cleaning and storing produce so that it will last as long as possible, I'll have finished a couple of loads of laundry by supper time, and hopefully soon I'll head outside for a walk. I feel a little sheepish saying that much feels like an accomplishment, but it just about overwhelmed me a little while ago when I received an e-mail from a long-distance friend telling me she'd sewed a bunch of face masks that their seweing guild is donating to a local nursing home. My head began to spin as I asked myself if I should be making masks too?!? No one asked me to make masks, but suddenly I felt guilty for not jumping at the chance! I don't consider myself easily overwhelmed, but it doesn't take much to tip the scales, evidently. The line between feeling accomplished and feeeling overwhelmed must be a very thin one at the moment.

Thanks for the article. Permission to be human. And permission to not discount what we do manage to accomplish. I'm going to go take that walk now.

Cheryl said...

Such a timely post! Like Lorrie, like you, like some of your other commenters, I have also had trouble getting motivated. It seems like we have so. much. time. that it is easier to while it away. Also, a change in routine (like Ron working here all day, like the regular activities of our week being cancelled) leaves me lacking daily rhythm. I vacillate between being productive and being unproductive. It will take some time to sort it all out. I continue to pray for daily grace and a heart to serve.

Kim said...

Yes! I feel the same way. I had big plans and so far, nope, haven't done a thing. My girls are learning to sew and cook and I've been on call for help. That's been fulfilling. I love their ambition. I wish I had some. Hopefully the sun will come out here and there and we can get outside a bit!

Buttercup said...

I have my new routine, and I'm figuring how much stimulation I need/want. I think one zoom event a day works well for me. I'm learning as I go along, as we all are. Take good care and be well!

Theresa said...

The weather is nice here and I am taking advantage of being able to get outside. Lots of things on my list and I am steady checking them off while stuck at home. I am looking forward to the time when we can get out and see people again. Praying for ALL in our Country! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...