Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, March 13, 2020

Let's Chat About The Virus

It's been an interesting week, hasn't it?

The panic and buying out of water and tp is disturbing.  This virus is very contagious but most people have a mild case, like a typical winter virus and recover well.

I've seen people act like everyone who gets this virus will be on ventilators.  Sigh.

Sadly, there are people who will die from this virus.  Their bodies are already in an illness compromised situation, or perhaps are like Tim's mom and is 98 years old.  She lives in her own home and doesn't go out at all anymore, so she might be just fine during this pandemic as long as her caregiver, my sister in law and niece stay healthy.

We've been practicing our typical winter cold/flu season behaviors.  Be careful to not put your hands in your mouth, nose, ears or eyes when out and about, until you've washed your hands.  And if you have a cold when you're out and about, cough into your elbow.  

We don't like to bring illness into our home, if we can avoid it, so we've taught our children these practices since they were very young.  I've been surprised at the amount of people who seem to see these practices as a "new" system to stay well. Makes me even more thankful that we've practiced these things for years!

I also am a cart handle wiper at stores! 

Local stores are all sold out of TP on a regular basis.  I have a friend who works at Costco and she showed the new shipment of toilet paper and someone mentioned it was gone in like 5 minutes.  I think some people are buying to resell online.  That makes me sad, too.  Taking advantage of people who are panicking is wrong.

Image result for empty shelves coronavirus

Water is another thing people have been buying.  It's not like a storm that is coming and you may be without power.  The water supply is not compromised!

I am in agreement about taking a few weeks to lay low and try to nip the spread of this virus.  I don't think that is necessarily panic.  I think that there is the possibility that the US can cut its potential cases by doing these things.  

However, it can, and will, and has already affected businesses, especially small businesses.  I saw someone mention about trying to shop locally, and help out our neighbors.

I wish us all strong immune systems, and mild cases of Covid-19 if we do get the virus!

The main thing is that we know the ONE who holds us all in His loving hands.  He knows the number of our days, and we can trust Him to walk this path with us.

I'm praying, and I know you all are, too!

This weekend, I may start seeds, I'm going to read, I'm going to think on those things which are true, worthy of respect, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent and praiseworthy.  If we have sunshine, I'm going to go out and get some vitamin D.  

This photo from Longwood Gardens is on my list of lovely and praise worthy things to think about!

Image result for longwood gardens pa

We can change our mindset from fear, to trust, and let's help others do this, too.


Linda said...

Panic is the word of the day including the double word martial law...NYS has implicated bans on venues over 500 people (including no St. Patricks Day celebrations/parades even here in our little town), restaurants are only allowed so many folks in, all SUNY univ. have closed, nursing homes, hospitals etc. It is just plum sad...truly it is. (and I "get it" I understand it)

I totally agree, We can change our mindset from fear, to trust, and let's help others do this. Have a beautiful day friend. smiles

Cheryl said...

As in all circumstances, the most important thing is to trust our Father! It is an opportunity to be salt and light. Certainly, I am sad to think that some exciting things I had planned may be affected . . . but at the heart of it all, I need to trust Him.

Sandi said...

You know, it is beginning to seem to me like the toilet paper companies planned this whole thing. 😂

Ya gotta laugh or you'll cry.

Sue said...

Well said, Deannea, I agree wholeheartedly, we are practicing the same health habits as before this virus, and praying. Enjoy your weekend of sowing seeds, we have been preparing our garden for seed planting.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

It's getting crazy here on our little Island as well. We have no cases here yet but people are in panic mode. I have been sick with the flu all week so I had to send my hubby to the grocery store this morning without me. He said by this evening, the shelves will be bare. There were only two pgks of tp and he took one. No disinfectants of any kind were available.

It is amazing how fast this has come upon us. I pray that God will use this to turn the hearts of people back to Himself. Our society is in such bad shape both morally and spiritually that perhaps a pandemic like this one will cause some folks to fall on their knees. Sadly, many folks will become ill and not make it. It's very sad. For those of us who know the Lord, we can trust Him to take care of us, come what may. You and your loved ones take care! Blessings, Sandi

Lorrie said...

Yes, we need to trust God, remain calm, and take precautions. I quoted the same Philippians 4 verse on my blog this morning, too. We have one case on our little Island, and my husband is working flat out (he's in long term health care administration). It's crazy.

Buttercup said...

I'm really not sure what the toilet paper hoarding is all about. But of all places, New York City is not hoarding toilet paper. I bought 4 more rolls at the Dollar Store yesterday and the shelves there and at CVS were decently stocked. I'm sad for those who will become ill and for those whose livelihood will suffer greatly. We'll keep praying and of course, wash our hands.

Rebecca said...

Such an interesting and challenging time! Pressure has a way of revealing what's inside us, doesn't it??.

Theresa said...

I made a big grocery shopping trip earlier this week because I needed groceries and bought just what was on my list. Toilet paper was still plentiful that day but that was a week ago. I like what you said here "We can change our mindset from fear, to trust, and let's help others do this, too." TRUST is what I am doing and washing my hands as I always do! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Tea and Friendship

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