Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, May 21, 2021

Friday Five: My Cottage Garden Is Beginning To Bloom-

 There is nothing like May for my peonies, if only they had a longer blooming season!  However, I will enjoy them as much as I can while they last.

1. This peony is from the very first peony plant I purchased. When we moved from our old house, I dug it up and brought it with me.  It has the best scent - like old roses!

2. I think Kayleigh gave me my bleeding heart. It was a very small plant when I planted her, now she's rather big. I may be dividing her this year.

3.This rose is not a color I would purchase but it came from my mom's house. She didn't want it so I took it. It has tons of horrible thorns - I always say they are like a medieval torture devise. The peach color is lovely on this plant, and it's going to be the first rose to bloom this year.

4.This peony is similar to the first one I shared by mainly in color. This one has ruffled petals, and you can see the yellow stamens. Also it doesn't have a scent. She is pretty though. This one also came from my mom's house.

5. The first peony to bloom! Going to be in the beds across the creek where I can see it from my kitchen window. A gift from Rachel.

That's one of the most delightful things about gardening - sharing plants.

I have strawberries ripening and Tim and I shared the first one the other night. It was tasty!

How about you? How does your garden grow?


Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Lovely flowers, Deanna! I too love peonies and roses. Gardens always make us happy, don't they? Enjoy your long weekend!

Vee said...

Your flowers are beautiful. Now that the azaleas have gone by and the daffodils have as well, the only color is purple violets, We are a bit behind. I have three rosebushes at the front of my, red, and coral. That's what I love about hodge~podge gardens like mine...whacky color combinations and a big variety of plantings.

Theresa said...

I love your flowers, that ruffled one is my favorite! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Kim said...

That is one fabulous looking peony. What a color!!

Cheryl said...

So many pretty things in your garden! I know that the two of us share a love of autumn . . . but spring is so glorious with its profusion of green and colored blooms! I am enjoying our rhododendron and some pink peonies and the bright pink knock out roses outside our picture window. We just moved our herb garden to a new spot and planted the lavender that Ryan and Sarah gave me for Mother's Day.

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...