Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, May 4, 2021



Hello friends! I've had one of those weekends where I'm not sure what day it is even now.  It's Tuesday, right?

Friday was relatively quiet, with Tim on the road with Emma and kids. They had a safe trip, and he had a nice weekend with them. 

Saturday morning, my mom called me again and said she thought my dad was having another mini stroke, she called 911, and I headed over to drive her to the hospital. With all the testing they had done on him Thursday, and having a clear CAT Scan and clear MRI, the ER docs were leaning toward him having migraines. Unusual because he never has had them before, but we have a friend whose migraines mimic a stroke. The fact that my dad's symptoms both times were so short lived, and then he was back to normal seem like it wasn't stroke related. He has a follow-up appointment tomorrow with his doctor and we'll see where we go from here.  I couldn't go in with them at the ER, but I stayed in the area, and got breakfast at CFA and went through the car wash (the pollen has been bad this year and the van was covered), and filled my gas tank.  Fortunately, because all the tests on my dad had just been done, they were only a few hours in the ER before they released him.

 On Sunday, Kyle had a cold, and my back hurt so we had decided to stay home from church. Problem was our friend Luisa was needing a ride to church from Wes and Rachel's house (they had to be at both services because they help with the sound), and I really wanted the girls to be able to go to church. Luisa said she'd be happy to have the girls sit with her until they went to their Sunday School classes, and so I picked up Luisa and then the girls, and drove them to church. They came back with Wes and Rachel.

I picked Tim up at the airport in the evening, and fell into bed early.

Yesterday was a day of driving to help a friend. His car had its rear window shattered by a falling tree limb the other day. So he needed to take it to the body shop and then rent a car. Easy right?

No, it ended with him having to go several places, talk to the insurance company several times, then stop at several car rental places. Most places only had suv's or luxury cars available, but he finally found one. The only problem was is that they said they needed to hear from his insurance company with a claim number, he couldn't just give them the claim number! So he had to wait until later in the day to pick the car up.

So he, Kyle and I headed back to our house, then I met a dear friend for lunch. After lunch we came back to my house, she cut my hair, and we drank tea and talked more. I'm so thankful for that time with her! 

After she had to leave, I took our friend to pick up his rental car, and then I picked up some dinner for Tim, Kyle and I and came home!

Shew! I was wiped out and happy to sit for awhile.

Now you understand why I had to think about what day this was. It's all good, and nothing was too hard. God is good.

This coming weekend, we are taking a little road trip to get Sarah from her school. Her first year is completed!


Jan said...

Goodness, what a weekend! Hope your Dad is better now.

Vee said...

Such weekends are exhausting. Hope that you have had lots of rest since. Yay for Sarah's coming home for the summer. She'll be a big help to the family. Praying for your dad and mom and all.

Linda said...

Hope you get some rest and back on track soon! I don't wonder why you were so tired!!!

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...