Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, February 28, 2022


This weekend was relaxed and we spent time on ordinary things like finding a spot of all of the things we brought back from Tim's mom's house, and going for Indian food with a friend on Saturday evening.

This is not my photo, but a photo from the restaurants social media. It's called Taj Mahal and it was wonderful! The night we were there every table was full! Do you like Indian? I usually do curry or tikka masala, but I tried chicken biryani on Saturday and loved it. I choose five on the 0-10 heat index and next time I'd likely do 3 or 4! But it was delicious!

Today I want to post about propaganda. 
I hesitated to write this post, but I've researched it all weekend. There is a lot of propaganda going on and we should be cautious about the information coming out of Ukraine.

I've taken a lot of screen shots, because other people can explain more concisely than I.

Here is a lot more propaganda.

Turns out this guy isn't even dead. He's a youtuber named Jordie Jordan.

Tim says these could be made out of thin wood, and not cardboard. The point is though that the media is trying to pass this off as Ukrainians protecting their country.

The propaganda is not limited to the US only.

Here the AP at least points out that this photo was not from Ukraine but from Gaza!

I'm sure you've all seen the photo of the bloodied woman injured in Ukraine? She's been all over the covers of newspapers in many countries. Turns out though that the photo is from 2018 and a gas leak explosion in a building in Ukraine. Use caution Friends!

I want to be very clear. There are attacks going on in Ukraine. Unfortunately, we've learned that we can't trust the msm anymore, and in the age of social media Ukraine is using that to put out their own propaganda, even though it is debunked in just a few hours.

Their president has spoken of the Ghost of Kiev, and the soldiers on Snake Island dying as fact, only to have it turn out that it was in fact lies. 

I am praying, and I feel for the citizens of Ukraine, who like everyday people everywhere, are at the mercy of their government, and frankly at risk from the attacks Russia is doing in their country.

Many people say the Ukrainians are fighting for democracy, but they are not a democracy. The president of Ukraine, has imprisoned political opponents and done other things that are not part of a democracy.

Frankly, our nation is not looking like a democracy these days either. I'd love to see us go back to being what we were founded as which is a Republic. 

A huge concern to me is the people speaking out on Ukraine's behalf. These are people we've seen lie to us for two years or more. We've learned not to trust them. We've learned some are quite evil (George Soros), but on this issue we should be in agreement with them?

I'm cautious. I am with the people of Ukraine, and I pray daily for their safety. I'm hopeful that they will reach a peace deal.

Let's see what happens.

Friday, February 25, 2022

Good News Friday

 The weather today is rainy, but it was icy overnight. The ice is hanging from everything. It won't last long though, with rain. 

Even though it is icy/rainy out today, I know this is coming.

Today, the only thing on my heart is Ukraine. There is a lot that can be said about what is actually happening there, but all I want to focus on is the people.

Let's continue to pray for the people.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

A Handwoven Turkish Rug

 My mother in law, and her second husband traveled the world. He was retired from the Air Force and they could fly standby on AF planes. They visited friends in Europe and Asia, participated in archeological digs in Israel, visited family and friends in Africa, and at some point went to Turkey and Greece. They always lived on a budget, but visiting friends, and flying on AF planes made travel very affordable. To say they were frugal is an understatement.

This made me very surprised when I discovered that when they were in Turkey they bought a small, handwoven rug. They had it framed to hang, and I've discovered they hung it upside down! (grin) My sister in law thought that they chose the pattern, and I have the papers that explain what the patterns symbolize. I have not had time to read through the papers yet, though. 

The frame is large and heavy and I am not going to hang it until we get the hangers on the frame fixed the correct way. Also the rug has moved around inside the frame.

My sister in laws did not want this amazing piece of art! I am in awe of the beautiful workmanship, and marvel that it is handwoven!

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Tea On Tuesday

 A treasure (to me) from my mil's home, that I forgot to mention yesterday, is this darling tea pot.

For scale, here it is on my hand. I don't think I'll ever use it, but as tea lover and collector of tea cups and tea pots, it's a treasure to have. 

There are no markings on the pot to show who the manufacturer was. I like the detail of the fabric, the sewing shears and tape measure, and of course the threads!

I have to find a spot where I can showcase her. Maybe on my shelf over the staircase. Hmmm...

When I sorted out my tea hutch on Saturday, I made a box of goodies for a friend. I've been given many tea cups over the years, and I decided that some would find a new home. Her young daughter is going to be thrilled!

After working to empty my mil's home, I want to think smart about the 'stuff' I own. If I use it, then of course I'll keep it. And if it has sentimental value to me. But if it isn't being used, and not an heirloom, I want to be able to pass things along to others who can and will use them.

Right now is not the time to do this, while we are packed into smaller quarters, personal space wise. However, it may actually help me to let go of items I don't use. 

But back to Tea, let me show you my teach hutch before I rearranged it.

Yeah. Packed full, with the saucers stacked high in the corners. This is a photo from a few years ago, and I know that I have added tea things since this photo was taken.

Here it is now.

I removed many of the extra things I had in this china hutch, like my Waterford crystal bowl, and some plates. I took out Rachel's tea cups.

The top shelf has my extra large tea cups and some of my unique tea cups.

Like this one.

The middle shelf has all of my Royal Albert tea cups, and the bottom shelf has all of the other tea cups. So many lovely cups. Almost all bought at antique or thrift shops. Some gifted to me. I love to think of all the ladies who have sipped tea from these cups over the years.

I'm feeling the urge to host a tea party soon. I can feel it welling up inside of me. Maybe I'll throw a party in honor of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, or just a "come for tea and conversation" party. 

Canada is heavy on my heart this morning. I'm continuing to pray. God be with her people.

Monday, February 21, 2022


 Well, it was a long busy week, and we were so happy to get home on Friday!

It was so good to be together working on Tim's mom's home, but emotional at times, too. She didn't have a lot of valuable things, not a lot that had sentimental value, but we each took a few things from her home.

We brought home two lamps, some china tea cups and matching plates, a few pieces of china that have been repaired and I'm not sure they can be used, but they belonged to Tim's grandmother, and his sisters didn't want them but also didn't want them to be thrown out. I'll show you those in a few days.

I brought a few things home for the kids, her Rummykub game (we don't have one), and old oil lamp.

I also brought a few old hymn books home.

Two of these books are from the 1800's, and one has Tim's dad's name written in it.

I reorganized my whole tea hutch to fit in these tea cups that had belonged to Tim's mom. (on the right) They have matching luncheon plates.

This is one of the lamps we brought home. 

Did I mention the mirror? I have a thing for mirrors these days. It needs to be cleaned, but Tim put it on the bookcase before I thought of that. I'll get to it this week.

We'll be headed back to Florida next month for the memorial service. I'm using my abilities by organizing the service, and I want to do flowers.

Tim's mom left a thorough will. The house is on the market and when it sells, it does not have to go through probate. There were three showings yesterday. Hopefully someone will make a good offer. She has no outstanding debts, just expenses to bury her urn next to Tim's dad, and have her death date added to their headstone. She definitely had her life in order.

Here is her obituary that was written by Tim.

Jean Cornelius Rabe Sherwood of Sanford went peacefully to be with her Lord on Sunday, February 6, 2022

 Born in Orangeville, Ontario, Canada on October 31, 1921. She became a US citizen in 1953 after marrying J. Elmer Rabe, with whom she served as a missionary for the duration of their 30-year marriage.  Most of their marriage was spent in Senegal, West Africa where they buried two sons: David (4 months) and Joseph (10 years). After Elmer’s death in 1983, she married Terence Sherwood with whom she volunteered with New Tribes Mission, Northland Community Church, Harvest Time, as well as traveling the world. After Terence’s death in 2014, Jean continued to share God’s grace and joy with all she met. The expression “Praise the Lord anyway” was never a cliché for Jean.

Jean is survived by four of her children: Esther (Richard) Day, Daniel (Sharon) Rabe, Virginia (Tom) Augustine, and Timothy (Deanna) Rabe, 15 grandchildren, and 11 great grandchildren. She is preceded in death by two brothers: Myrrl (Ethel) and William (Lillian), two husbands: J. Elmer and Terence, and two sons: Joseph and David.

Welcome home, good and faithful servant!

In lieu of flowers, nothing would be more fitting with Jean’s legacy than contributing to the Badyaranke Bible translation project in Senegal, West Africa. Contribution checks may be made payable to: Ethnos360, 312 W First Street, Sanford, FL 32773, with the memo: Jean Sherwood Memorial Gift. The entirety of the gift will be assigned this translation project. Ethnos360 finance department can also be reached by phone: (407)323-3430

A memorial service is planned for 11:00 AM, March 19, 2022, at Harvest Time International, 225 Harvest Time Dr., Sanford, FL 32771. Luncheon to follow.                     

In other news, we are on grandbaby number 8 watch! She is due on the 27th, but my daughter says it'll likely be a March baby as she is never early or on time with her babies. 

Hope you are all well. We are doing very well, have our moments of sadness. I don't think we have deep grief, as she lived such a full life, and went home peacefully. We also have the delight of seeing her again one day! I'm grateful for that. 

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Good News Friday

 Happy Friday, Everyone!

We are on the road headed home from Florida, though we’ll go back down late next month for the memorial service.

The house is officially on the market. 

Let’s get to the good news!

There is so much happening! It’s hard to keep track of it all. Dictator Trudeau is trying to use Emergency powers for a peaceful protest by the truckers in Canada. In 2020, he said of riots and destructive ‘protests’ that he “Understood their anger.” He doesn’t understand the anger of these peaceful families who are looking to get their rights and privileges back? I stand behind them and am so proud of them! They’ve got their children with them. They are not violent. If any violence happens it will be a ‘false flag’ perpetrated by others trying to make it seem as if the truckers did it.

Same goes for Ukraine and Russia. Why, when the Ukrainian President says there isn’t going to be an invasion, does our President say there is? His own spokespersons can’t give any evidence for it other than ‘we told you it was going to happen.’ Sheesh.

Big news out about the per tests, did you see it?

Also, these next slides may be out of order and I apologize. I’m on my iPad and it’s hard to read the screen shots.

Now you might be wondering why I find all of this good news? It’s because all of the corruption is beginning to flow out. It’s taking time because the media is complicit but friends, I believe big changes are coming. The timing is unknown to me, but it is happening.

We took part of the day yesterday to get out and about. After checking out our favorite tea place online and it saying they were open, we drove 40 minutes and found out they were closed! Boo! Kyle was fine with it though because we went to Five Guys for burgers and fries! It was good, and it was lovely sitting outside with my people.

Have a great weekend! Keep the faith!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...