Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

This And That


I thought I'd share a bit of this and that today. I love this shot I got of the heart of our home. I spend the bulk of my days in this space and I love it. It's cozy, warm, welcoming. I most often sit in the chair with the plaid throw, and Tim sits in the brown wing back chair. He's happy with the rearrangement because now "We are sitting by each other."

This week I am getting to do some fun things. Today, I'm taking Kyle to a job fair at a local Christian theatre. He's got a great work ethic, he's fun, and I think they'll be delighted to have him. Later today we are going to our friends' home, and I'll be talking with my friend about her daughters' wedding, (I'm giving advice and maybe doing flowers) and Kyle gets to spend time with his best friend.

Tomorrow, I am going to another friends' home and "playing with flowers" as she says. She is a floral designer, who mainly does weddings. She did 45 weddings last year! When we had lunch last week she asked if I had interest in helping her this year. Oh yes, I do!

She does beautiful work. Here is a sample.

Divine Florals by Susan

Divine Florals by Susan

I love wedding floral work! I had a wedding I was doing at the end of April which has been postponed for now due to some health issues the groom is having. It's being planned for later in the year.

Here are a few samples of my floral work.

Did I mention I love weddings, and especially wedding florals? (grin)

I don't often leave home during the week, except to grocery shop, so the lunches I've had, and the fun I'm having this week, is good for my soul.

Oh, and Friday, Tim and I are having dinner out, again, with a couple who've been dear friends for 20+ years. Some of our girls were best friends growing up, too.

Time goes by fast, friends. These friends' youngest is the same age as Rachel, so as I've been still raising a young man, they are in the next stage of their life. Both working, enjoying grands, dealing with aging parents and illness in the extended family. My friend that we are all dealing with hardship and grief, and we need each other. I say, "Amen" to that.

I have a blog commenter, always anonymous/unknown. I've come to think she is paid by someone (perhaps blogger?) to come and comment here on my Friday posts, but also other posts. On yesterdays' post she said this - 

"Time to arrest the evil orange one don't you think? ARREST! ARREST! ARREST! It's time." 

Her comments are always about Trump. I say 'her' because the comments are always very emotionally written. They are usually much longer than this and ridiculous. 

Since her comments are always about DJT, even on posts that are about other things than politics, this leads us to believe she is paid to do this. Why? Who knows. I always share them with my family, and everyone cannot imagine why someone would waste their time. I think it's money driven. 

Oh, Happy February! We will be having a brief warm up then get cold again, but I always expect cold weather in February. It's a short month, so after the very long month of January (which seems sooo long), I always feel like spring is just around the corner!

I'm excited to see how my tulip bulbs do this year. I planted them in the planters on the deck.

Well, friends I need to run. Have an excellent day!


Kim said...

Your home is so warm and cozy, Deanna, it's a beautiful view indeed. I love weddings and what fun it must be to design the floral arrangements. You have a gift, your designs are beautiful. Love the reds!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Very cozy.....

She and you, do beautiful Flower Arranging!

Enjoy everything, this week! -smile-

Seems that "Follow the money" is very valid, in so, so, so many things, these days. Your *Faithful Anon. Commenter* -grin-

I don't suppose you consider not allowing Anon. comments?

⛄ Half way between 🌺

Linda said...

Listen, folks have a lot of time on their hands now, maybe this person does? (Grinning and being a tad bit sarcastic)

You have such a lovely home, thank you for the many smiles.

Cheryl said...

It is good for the soul to meet and share with dear friends! I am glad that those things are in your week! Can't wait to see some lovely wedding flowers from you and/or your friend. I hope that Kyle's job search was successful!

Linda said...

I love the Heart of your Home!! Enjoy your week - it sounds like a lot of fun!

Vee said...

Lovely room. I like that Tim enjoys the seating arrangement.

(I think you're correct. Money talks and BS walks as the old expression says.)

A Joyful Cottage said...

Your home is cozy, warm and welcoming. The floor is gorgeous. The floral job sounds perfect for you. Your arrangements are lovely. Have a great weekend, Deanna! Hugs.

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...