Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Tea On Tuesday

 A treasure (to me) from my mil's home, that I forgot to mention yesterday, is this darling tea pot.

For scale, here it is on my hand. I don't think I'll ever use it, but as tea lover and collector of tea cups and tea pots, it's a treasure to have. 

There are no markings on the pot to show who the manufacturer was. I like the detail of the fabric, the sewing shears and tape measure, and of course the threads!

I have to find a spot where I can showcase her. Maybe on my shelf over the staircase. Hmmm...

When I sorted out my tea hutch on Saturday, I made a box of goodies for a friend. I've been given many tea cups over the years, and I decided that some would find a new home. Her young daughter is going to be thrilled!

After working to empty my mil's home, I want to think smart about the 'stuff' I own. If I use it, then of course I'll keep it. And if it has sentimental value to me. But if it isn't being used, and not an heirloom, I want to be able to pass things along to others who can and will use them.

Right now is not the time to do this, while we are packed into smaller quarters, personal space wise. However, it may actually help me to let go of items I don't use. 

But back to Tea, let me show you my teach hutch before I rearranged it.

Yeah. Packed full, with the saucers stacked high in the corners. This is a photo from a few years ago, and I know that I have added tea things since this photo was taken.

Here it is now.

I removed many of the extra things I had in this china hutch, like my Waterford crystal bowl, and some plates. I took out Rachel's tea cups.

The top shelf has my extra large tea cups and some of my unique tea cups.

Like this one.

The middle shelf has all of my Royal Albert tea cups, and the bottom shelf has all of the other tea cups. So many lovely cups. Almost all bought at antique or thrift shops. Some gifted to me. I love to think of all the ladies who have sipped tea from these cups over the years.

I'm feeling the urge to host a tea party soon. I can feel it welling up inside of me. Maybe I'll throw a party in honor of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, or just a "come for tea and conversation" party. 

Canada is heavy on my heart this morning. I'm continuing to pray. God be with her people.


Vee said...

The tea pot is so unique! And darling. I have never seen one like it. I enjoyed peeking inside your tea cup hutch. We have a number of the same pattern tea cups, Oh, yes, you will have to have a tea and conversation time when life settles down to a dull roar.Canada is on all our minds and I know many are praying mightily. May The Lord have His way.

ellen b. said...

Sweet teapot and memories. That's a great idea to have a tea in honor of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee! Yes, Canada...:(

Estelle's said...

Oh wow have some real gems in this collection! I could browse these tea cups for hours....marvelous display!

Cheryl said...

That teapot is darling! You have arranged your tea hutch beautifully!

Diana said...

I am squealing with delight over this post!!! How I would love to see your tea cup sets in person. I have a few of my own I've collected over the years but nothing near yours! And that sweet darling sewing machine tea pot -- scrumptious! As a lifetime sewer, I covet your MIL's tea pot! ❤️

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