Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, February 28, 2022


This weekend was relaxed and we spent time on ordinary things like finding a spot of all of the things we brought back from Tim's mom's house, and going for Indian food with a friend on Saturday evening.

This is not my photo, but a photo from the restaurants social media. It's called Taj Mahal and it was wonderful! The night we were there every table was full! Do you like Indian? I usually do curry or tikka masala, but I tried chicken biryani on Saturday and loved it. I choose five on the 0-10 heat index and next time I'd likely do 3 or 4! But it was delicious!

Today I want to post about propaganda. 
I hesitated to write this post, but I've researched it all weekend. There is a lot of propaganda going on and we should be cautious about the information coming out of Ukraine.

I've taken a lot of screen shots, because other people can explain more concisely than I.

Here is a lot more propaganda.

Turns out this guy isn't even dead. He's a youtuber named Jordie Jordan.

Tim says these could be made out of thin wood, and not cardboard. The point is though that the media is trying to pass this off as Ukrainians protecting their country.

The propaganda is not limited to the US only.

Here the AP at least points out that this photo was not from Ukraine but from Gaza!

I'm sure you've all seen the photo of the bloodied woman injured in Ukraine? She's been all over the covers of newspapers in many countries. Turns out though that the photo is from 2018 and a gas leak explosion in a building in Ukraine. Use caution Friends!

I want to be very clear. There are attacks going on in Ukraine. Unfortunately, we've learned that we can't trust the msm anymore, and in the age of social media Ukraine is using that to put out their own propaganda, even though it is debunked in just a few hours.

Their president has spoken of the Ghost of Kiev, and the soldiers on Snake Island dying as fact, only to have it turn out that it was in fact lies. 

I am praying, and I feel for the citizens of Ukraine, who like everyday people everywhere, are at the mercy of their government, and frankly at risk from the attacks Russia is doing in their country.

Many people say the Ukrainians are fighting for democracy, but they are not a democracy. The president of Ukraine, has imprisoned political opponents and done other things that are not part of a democracy.

Frankly, our nation is not looking like a democracy these days either. I'd love to see us go back to being what we were founded as which is a Republic. 

A huge concern to me is the people speaking out on Ukraine's behalf. These are people we've seen lie to us for two years or more. We've learned not to trust them. We've learned some are quite evil (George Soros), but on this issue we should be in agreement with them?

I'm cautious. I am with the people of Ukraine, and I pray daily for their safety. I'm hopeful that they will reach a peace deal.

Let's see what happens.


Vee said...

Yes, indeed. So much propaganda. So many fake pictures and stories to make outsiders feel great sympathy. Like you, I do feel great sympathy for the Ukrainian people as I feel sympathy for all of us being fed lies. I have a pretty good idea why the fingers are pointing in all directions save the one place where we all should be taking a good hard look. Distraction is a great ploy when one is up to his ears in corruption and feels the walls closing in.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

LOVE Vee's "Distraction is a great ploy when one is up to his ears in corruption and feels the walls closing in."

I appreciate your delving into this. It takes time. I know.

Thank you...


obscure said...

The entire world is coming together to support Ukraine and isolate Russia. The ruble crashed today. The Ukrainian school in my neighborhood is collecting medical supplies and food to send to a convent on Polish border since the Russians have shut down post offices. The European Nation has accepted Ukraine's application to join. SWITZERLAND , for the first time in my memory, has adopted all NATO sanctions against Russia. But I'm sure you and Donald Trump know better.
Jesus wept.

ellen said...

Thank you again, for publishing the truth. You do a wonderful job of putting it together. I also agree with Vee. They know their days are numbered. It still amazes me how many people believe the media. I wonder what it will take for them to finally wake up. Love the devolution theory.

Diana said...

This is EXTREMELY interesting! I had read some of this here and there, people just look the other way and continue watching/listening to the msm. I had an eerie feeling when I first saw that one photo of the kids waving at the guys in tanks going by ... and you just solved why I felt it was so off. THANK YOU for your work on this, Deanna!

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...