Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Ice Cream Sundae Bar

 For two of our yearly co-op parent meetings, a sweet gal named Britt and I plan the snack. I love being creative and making the snack area special. Britt brought all of the cute decor items, ice cream and toppings, and I came up with the idea of an ice cream bar, and provided all the coffee, creamers, water, cups, dishes, spoons, etc.

The ladies LOVED it!

Last nights' meeting was to plan for classes for next year. All of our classes are parent taught. Some of the class suggestions for next year are nature art, stem classes,  Biology labs, literature classes, Tour of Italy with Nonna (doesn't that sound fun? A gal's Italian mother is going to help with that class), sewing, Irish dance, trip around the world. Preschool runs on its own track, K-1st, 2-3rd, 4-6th all get gym, and music, and then an elective class period. 7-UPs get three periods of electives. 

These gals are so amazing. As I am one of the oldest in the group, homeschool wise and age wise, I am so thankful for all these young, energetic young women! Most are college educated, they're all smart, and love their kids!

Our co-op has been in existence since 1998. Emma was four and in preschool at co-op the first year. Nate was in 4th-6th. Now his oldest is in 4th-6th at the same co-op! Klaire is in the preschool class, and Kyle is a 7-up. He's in 11th grade.

I tease that after Kyle graduates I'll still be bringing the girls to co-op, and eventually Kamryn will be driving and pushing me in a wheelchair! Ha! 

Tomorrow we head south. Thank you all for your kind words of comfort. 


Beside a babbling brook... said...

All of you people there, are sooooo lucky, to have this!!!!! My daughter in law next door, did home schooling for awhile, but had NO such group. The child was getting depressed, for lack of friends, play mates. They had to send him back, to a private school, but at a high cost. If only there was such a group here.

Next meeting, please remind them all, of the wonderful job you all are doing!!!!!!!! And how sad it can be, for those, who do not have this.

Btw, she and his father, both work from home, so they were not able to even get together with the few home school families they know of. So I suppose, this meeting thing, would not have worked for her anyway.

BE SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nancy in the Midwest said...

Im sorry to read of the loss of your dear mother-in-law. What a blessing she was to so many, from what you’ve shared about her. How you all will miss her, but what a blessing when we know our loved ones knew the Lord while on earth and know Him face to face now for eternity in His presence.

Estelle's said...

This is a marvelous idea! I think I may have to copy you when the family is here! Who wouldn't love to create their own ice cream sundae! Great inspiration today DEANNA!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Feb. 9th

Hope you will soon read my now last post.

It is scary!

Vee said...

What's not to love?! 😁 You make it very pleasant for the ladies to participate.

Kim said...

I'm sorry to hear about your eye, but it sounds like you're in good hands...and the ice cream bar? Oh my! Yum!!

Theresa said...

YUM, what a beautifully delicious looking display of yumminess! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Cheryl said...

Ice cream is never out of season! No wonder the ladies loved it! I had to chuckle at Kamryn wheeling you into co-op, but I love the idea that you have been there a long time and that the next generation is carrying it on!

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...