Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, February 4, 2022

Good News Friday

 Here are some floral arrangements I made on Wednesday when I hung out with my florist friend Susan.

A bridal bouquet and a table centerpiece. I loved getting to be creative again, try out new styles, and spend time with my friend. 

There is a lot of good news happening friends. If you step back and look at the big picture, it's really quite amazing. 

People from around the world have awakened and are standing against totalitarianism!

Here's Good News!

Half of America already wants Joe Bid*n Impeached. Read more {here}.

George Soros released a statement this week calling China's Xi Jinping "The greatest threat that open societies face today." Is this the pot calling the kettle black, as the old saying goes? It's very interesting to say the very least. Deep State vs Deep State. Is it that they both want to rule the world? We'll see.

The msm is falling apart. CNN is imploding, Zucker has resigned as the head there supposedly from not disclosing an affair with a woman who works at CNN? That is related to Chris Cuomo's lawsuit against CNN regarding his firing. Read more {here}. Does it seem odd to you that he'd resign over a consensual relationship? Neither person is married. Very interesting. I wonder who will be next? CNN's ratings are in the tank. Can they even get a million viewers for some of their shows? Rachel Maddow of MSNBC is taking a hiatus from her nightly show to "work on other projects" and might be back in April. She's spent years hyping up Russia-gate, which turned out not to be true, Impeachments etc.. So much emotional effort on lies. Well, we'll see what happens. She may decide to get while the gettings good. These media companies are destroying themselves over all their corruption.

There are now 42 US House Members not seeking reelection. 29 Democrats and 13 Republicans. Most are retiring, some are seeking a new office. Read more {here}.

From someone in Canada. Trudeau is not looking too good.

Former Newfoundland Premier and last living signer of Canada's Charter of rights and freedoms has sued the government over their infringement of these rights. You can read about that {here}.

Sweden announces the end to Cov*d restrictions. Read more {here}.

From a Friend in Canada! We stand with them, too!

Quote from Founding Father Samuel Adams

Have an excellent weekend friends!


Vee said...

Great quote! Had not seen the Trudeau before and after; however, the "current" Trudeau does not look like him at all. Time to start looking at the fine particulars. Current may be a stand-in like the so many Joe Bidens that exist. Taller, shorter, attached ear lobes, unattached earlobes, differing hairlines, different weights, and on and on.

I wondered why Zucker is in full retreat. Who cares anything about his private sexual life? Not I. Can't imagine that it is big news at CNN or any network for that matter. And the woman who also works at CNN is staying. Hmmm...

Glad you had the chance to work with flowers again. You created some beautiful arrangements.

Terra said...

This is a fabulous post and everything you say in it is true. As Elon Musk tweeted "Canadian truckers rule". 85% of the truckers are vaxed yet they are risking much to protest vax mandates. Thanks.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Makes you want to live in the Nordic countries!!!! Or our old friend, the UK. -grin-

Gorgeous flowers!!!!! You have a Gift. Lovely to be able to use it.


Linda said...

I love your Good News Friday posts!! Thank you!

Jenny said...

So if Biden is impeached who becomes President? That's a scary thought.

A Joyful Cottage said...

It's hard to believe Samuel Adams' quote wasn't taken from a page of current events. To think that he had that to say all that time ago, and how relevant it is to these times. Amazing. I'm so proud of the Canadian truckers. And so disturbed by the lies of their government. That's where we are now. Evil is called good, and good is called evil. Trudeau is a disgrace. Your flower arrangements are fabulous. You go girl! Hugs.

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...