Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

About My Eye and Other News

 I have what is called Vitreous Degeneration. You can read about that {here}. I have two of the risk factors 1. I am over 50 and 2. I have had cataract surgery in that eye.

The flashes have stopped the main floater is still there. It should go away mostly, and the brain will make allowances for it and eventually I really won't notice it. For the next four to six weeks I am not allowed to do anything strenuous or jolting.

It's kind of crazy. 

Also I knew I had a cataract on my left eye, and I have put off doing anything about it because of cov*d protocols, but I'll see the cataract specialist at my eye group and have that taken care of in April. That is the soonest they could get me an appointment, and that should work out with our schedule too.

My brother and sister in law are in Sudan right now and it looks like it will be late March when we have my mother in law's memorial service. (I posted late yesterday but if you missed it there is a post {here}.

Thanks for praying. One of you emailed me yesterday, knowing something must have happened because there wasn't a new post yesterday morning. I'm so grateful for your love and concern.

We will head down to Florida on Thursday, by way of Greenville, and Sarah will go with us on Friday. She will have her winter break for a week, and Kyle is coming along, too. 

Here is a favorite photo of my mother in law holding 7 week old Klaire.

As for co-op, I have a mom's meeting this evening. We are planning classes for next year. Another gal and I are the ones who organize the snack and we've decided on Ice Cream sundaes. They will be on the small size because often the ladies don't snack at all. Last time we had a meeting like this I brought 50 teacups and only around 25 were used! But I'll be fun.

I've had to work out arrangements for the girls to get to co-op while I am gone. I don't want them to miss out. So my mom will drop them off and one of the ladies who lives in our area will be responsible for them and bring them home. 

Details, details. 

 Pretty soon, I need to pick up my oldest from work and take him to a dentist appointment so I need to get moving.

I wanted to share a hymn with you I found this weekend. The lyrics are wonderful. 

Here is a YT of a choir singing For All The Saints.

The term saints here refers to all believers not just those determined to be 'special.'

I'll see you all tomorrow!


Vee said...

That is a sweet picture of a great-grandmother and her great-grandchild. You're not supposed to do anything strenuous? That'll be a trick with all that you have going on. Try, though!

Theresa said...

I am so sorry to ready of your Mother-in-law's passing but what a beautiful lady! I bet she is smiling big in her Heavenly Home! Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

It's no fun having eye problems so take care of yourself! My right eye that was infected developed a cataract and I had to have it removed. I was surprised how easy it was. The worst part was they make you stay still for awhile (and not bend over!) after the surgery then, too.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

I am over 50 and have had cataract surgery on both eyes, as a million people have. And have had some floaters. And our Eye Specialist said they would go away, which they have. Or I have gotten used to them, and no longer notice them.

But my husband, who has had just about everything bad, happen to his left eye, experienced flashes big-time, and all the rest of the bad stuff.

Do as your doctor advises.

Nothing strenuous or jolting, and you are driving to FL?

Be safe...

ellen b. said...

Glad you know what is going on with your eye. Hope all goes well as you are careful for it to fix itself.

Linda said...

You are pretty amazing juggling all the things in any given week and each week different! Safe travels and prayers for your eyes.....

Buttercup said...

Prayers for your eye. I have a retina condition, too, and one thing my wonderful retina specialist "prescribed" was eating leafy greens daily, i.e., kale, spinach or Swiss chard. That was three years ago and I've been very consistent. The condition is still there, but it's gotten slightly better. I also take an "eye vitamin," but my doctor says that food is the best way to get these vitamins.

Cheryl said...

I read this post last week, but was not making blog comments last week as I was running a lot. I am praying that your eye will recover . . . and that you will be able to avoid strenuous activity/jolting for the next few weeks as it heals. Easier said than done, right?! Thinking about you all as you do the hard work of cleaning out Jean's house.

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...