Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, August 4, 2014

All The Days Prepared For Me

We are holding on to truth - the truth that God is in control, that He knows the beginning from the end, and that He knows what He is doing.

Our church is a beautifully messy group.  We rub each other the wrong way sometimes and we get irritated about it, but we love each other and we've got each others backs.  We live in real community of spirit with one another.  Right now we are all grieving the loss of Joseph's brother Tommy, and at the same time we are celebrating an upcoming marriage, 6 young women are going to be baptized this Sunday afternoon, praying for wayward children, encouraging and supporting one another.

Thursday morning in my time in the Word I was reminded, before Tommy's death that same day,

An instructor that Tim and I had in Bible School always reminded us that, "God prepares you for what He has prepared for you."  I have found this to be true, though it's always been in hindsight.

This week will be challenging.  We are starting school and we will be attending Tommy service later this week.

Thank you for your prayers, if I can pray for you in anyway, please let me know.  


Vee said...

Thinking of and praying for your family and extended family this week...

Cheryl said...

That verse from Psalm 139 is such a comfort...that He has numbered our days from the beginning, and nothing takes Him by surprise. Oh, but how it takes US by surprise! I continue to pray for the Musser family as they grieve this very, very unexpected loss. How my heart aches for them.

And yet, life goes it is going on in your church family. Good things, also a part of His plan, alongside of the heartbreak.

"Oh for grace to trust Him more..."

podso said...

Trusting God with you for your week. May He be glorified.

Melissa G said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Tommy. You all have been in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so thankful I was able to meet him at Joseph and Lindsay's wedding.

Theresa said...

Thank you for this... "God prepares you for what He has prepared for you." I will share it with my Niece who is going thru some rough times dealing with sick and aging Parents and In-laws! Thank you for this! I will be praying for all of you as you celebrate Tommy and what he has meant to his family and friends! Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!

Debbie said...

I just typed two very long comments and deleted them both.

I really don't have words.
Sometimes, that happens.

I continue to lift your whole family, and by that I mean your whole church, which is very obviously an example of what God had in mind when he created the idea of a CHURCH FAMILY.

Because I have lost a brother myself, I have decided to very specifically lift Joseph because I can do it with a heart of empathy.

Information Friday

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