Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Home Keeping: The Fruits Of Summer

August is in full swing.  Yesterday,  while doing my bi-weekly grocery shopping, I saw the sign for fresh, local peaches.  I adore peaches, and these were my absolute favorites - Red Haven!  Delightful!

The family likes cherries too, so I try to get them when they are a good price per pound.  I think we should plant a few cherry trees!  This is my grandmother's Pyrex bowl.  She gave it to Rachel many years ago.

Here is our first ripened tomato of the year!  Finally.

After mowing the other day, I fed grain to the horses and sprinkled a little out for the chickens.  These girls love to hang around the barn especially when people are out there, as they are certain it must be feeding time!

They were going after the grain so fast I couldn't get a clear shot of them!

I feel so blessed to be able to purchase great local produce for our family.  It's so good.  Have I told you about our local cantaloupe?  


Vee said...

Oh I have been craving fruit! I would love to reach out and snag a peach...Red Haven you say...gotta be good. Those hens are on the move!

Cheryl said...

Good stuff, you're showing there!! Love all three! Do you use your peaches for cooking/baking or for eating...or both?

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Yumm those peaches look good! I haven't bought peaches all summer. I've had plenty of nectarines but no peaches. I actually grew cantaloupe this year (makes up for not having one zucchini)!

Estelle's said...

Oh I love it all! Fresh summer fruit and THE most beautiful chickens ever! Lovely post!

Karen said...

I am waiting for peaches to come in at the Mennonite store near Clarence's folks.

Often, I get Red Havens and they are SO delicious, not to mention easy to work with for canning.

That's it-I'm calling again this week to see if they know when they'll have them! Enjoy your lovely peaches!

Tea and Friendship

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