Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, August 11, 2014

Expressing Their Faith: The Girls Are Baptized

Our girls all placed their trust in Christ at a young age, but baptism was something they were a bit shy about.  We would talk about it over the years, but we wanted them to lead on this, so we didn't push it.

Over the last year, they all expressed readiness and this summer two sisters from our church also expressed their readiness to be baptized.  It all came together on Sunday.

 Quinn, Emma, Sarah, Lindsay, Brooke, and Rachel

We all sang "I Have Decided To Follow Jesus" before the baptisms

 Friends and family joined us at the house of one of our church families, their girls were being baptized too.

They went oldest to youngest, so Lindsay went first.  She spoke off the cuff about her testimony of coming to Christ.

 Emma had written hers as a guideline but didn't want to read it.  She shared how the Lord is working in her life.

The rest of the girls read theirs.  That was just fine.  

 Happy faces

 Thank you Lord for these young women and for your work in their lives.

The girls will always remember this day, and the fact that they shared it with their friends.


Cheryl said...

What a beautiful, meaningful time!! III John 1:4 comes to mind..."I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth."

Debbie said...

And this is what I mean when I sing the song "How Beautiful". This is beautiful, and I love the way you do baptisms.

May God CONTINUE to richly bless and lead this very beautiful girls.

jo said...

Congratulations on your baptisms girls xxx

jo said...

Congratulations on your baptisms girls xxx

Rebecca said...

This must have been a most joyous occasion for your family and friends. I know their spiritual lives will be directly blessed because of this well-thought-out, deliberate and public act of obedience/declaration of faith in Jesus.♥

Vee said...

Special time for each one and becomes one of those altars of remembrance for all present.

I saw some familiar faces!

podso said...

This is such a wonderful post of a memorable evening, and as you way, one they will look back on. For some reason you don't show up in my reader any more!

Simple Home said...

Beautiful baptism!! Thank you for sharing :)

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