Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, August 15, 2014

From One Book Lover To Another

We have these delightful friends, Tim and Barbara, that are missionaries in Ireland.  They are home right now, for at least a year, while he works on his Master's degree.  The only sad part is they will be in Louisville, KY for this, so we won't see them at church weekly, but hey, it's about a 9 hour drive!

We invited their family to dinner the other evening, so that we could squeeze in a visit before they head to Kentucky, and it worked out for the older kids to go to their weekly Ultimate Frisbee game.

Barbara brought me a hostess gift.  If you love books you're going to be jealous.

 She also brought me an Irish tea towel, Dark Orange Marmalade, a wee silver spoon, and some Irish tea.  She knows me well!

 It was given as a prize to a Thomas Rushford for proficiency in English on May 8, 1879.

 The first book is Silent Tom.  It also says An American Prize Tale.  This is a link to what I could find out about the book.  Another link said it was a Temperance book from 1875.

 Now we are going to have to make scones.

She also brought me this book.
Written by Kathleen M. Macleod, Barbara thought I might like it because it takes place in Scotland.

I'm very blessed in my friends, am I not?

Do you collect books?  Do you read old books?  


Vee said...

What nice gifts! Are you thinking of becoming a missionary to Scotland?

Rebecca said...

What an incredibly "sweet" bundle of hostess gifts!

And yes, I read old books. :)

Cheryl said...

What a beautiful hostess gift(s)!! I do love old books...sometimes for reading, sometimes for decorating. :)

(The marmalade is also catching my eye.)

Barbara C said...

I'm so glad you like them. :) We had such a wonderful time at your house! Thanks for your hospitality!

Barbara C said...

I'm so glad you liked them! Thanks for your hospitality-we had a wonderful time!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I love old books! Sometimes to read and other times to decorate with.

Heather said...

Wow! What a lovely hostess gift!!! We LOVE old books and have many in our collection!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Beautiful old books! Lovely hostess gifts from your friends. ♥

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...