Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, August 18, 2014

Special Weekend

Saturday was the memorial service for Joseph's younger brother Tommy.  He lived with his family for over a year, and packed a lifetime of living into that year.  When he was in the orphanage he basically lived in a crib.  Tommy was 17 years old and this photo was taken this summer.  

Sunday was a going away party for Emma, at our church.
 She will be attending weddings the next two Sundays before heading on vacation then school, so this was the only Sunday to do it.
 Aren't they beauties?  Fun, precious girls who look awfully cute in their glasses!

It was very precious to have some of the men and women of the church pray for Emma.  She knows that she is dearly loved and appreciated.  

She'll be missed.


Cheryl said...

It must have been a weekend filled with emotion. Such sadness, such happiness, such excitement. I continue to pray for the Musser family, as the "afters" are even harder sometimes. I pray that His presence surrounds them.

I also pray for Emma as she moves forward in this new stage of her life...and for your family as you flow with the transition.

We need Him constantly, don't we?

Vee said...

What a weekend! Seeing all the church family gathered around Em blessing her is so special. She is moving on to the next adventure as all children do. Sigh.

I am certain that Tommy's Memorial Service was a healing time. What a sorrow and a joy all rolled into one.

Yes, the girls are as adorable as can be. Are they practicing a cat hiss in that first pic? LOL!

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...