Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, August 7, 2014

I'm In The Mood For…

a nice chat.  How about you?  Grab a glass of iced tea, or coffee and let's get started.

In the last few days I have been thinking about this…

This is what I feel about all of you.  Before blogging I often felt like I was the only one who liked the things I did and felt the way I did about things.  Then over the years we all have become friends. It is a real joy to me.  I've appreciated your prayers for our family and extended family.  It means so much.


I ordered this book today.  I've been reading the FB pages, and the recipes pinned on Pinterest and I think this may work for me.  I don't know if I will agree with everything nutritionally, for example stevia (don't like the taste) and the other sweeteners recommended are sugar alcohols and I am not sure about that.  So we'll see.  Have any of you done this program or have an opinion?  I'm all ears!


A virus is making its way through the kids, and friends from church.  I may have even had it in Florida.  Nothing to terrible, but it has to run its course.  So we are trying to rest, and drink fluids.


The weather is so great lately - warm and sunny during the day, and cool at night.  If this keeps up the leaves will start to turn!  Feels like a September day rather than an August day.  We turned the A/C off and have the windows open!


Last night Tim and I took the girls to frisbee, dropped Kyle at his friend Daniel's house, and grabbed a bite to eat.  Okay, we ate more than a bite.  Then we came home and enjoyed sitting out on our deck.  It was dusk, so I lit a few candles and we enjoyed each other and the moon.  

So what are you up to?


sue said...

Hi Deanna! Good to see you for a few minutes when we dropped off the meal at Esther's ! You won't regret doing THM! I have loved it. Been doing it since January and have lost 55 lb! Please get my email from Esther if you have any questions! I make my own sweetener! Erythritol and stevia! Love it! I pray you have great success!!

Vee said...

We are sitting by a dim lamplight, I on my iPad and John reading. We are listening to talk radio. So it's not quite as romantic as your lovely evening.

Oh, I don't like the taste of that sweetener either. In fact, in the last year, I have given up all artificial sweeteners because I do believe they increase cravings for sweet. The good news is that I gained no weight doing that. The bad news is that I haven't lost much either. So I will be interested in your experience with this new program, which I know nothing about.

Rebecca said...

A full day here, too. I started out early - went to my friends at 7:00 to finish the sweet lime pickles (my grandmother's recipe). Then from there to be with my mother at the nursing home. I ate lunch with her and then met my husband between there and home to take in a few mile stretch on the Route 127 garage sale (a 650 mile long one)! It wore me out. We had our feet up when my friend dropped 7 pints of pickles by our house and we all visited - her husband and mine, etc. I'm ready for bed. Tomorrow I'm hosting a coffee for potential Bible study ladies - and in evening we're going to a minor league baseball game outing with the staff in the office my husband works in one day a week.

Re. weight loss, I'm back on the Fast-5 plan. I'd been SO successful and healthy following it 2 years before I fell and broke my hip. Then got careless about my eating schedule. Long story short, I finished Day 14 and feel so much better. Weight loss will take care of itself. :

Cheryl said...

Your date night sounds like lots of fun! Glad you were able to enjoy the grand weather with some grand company! :D

It is a joy to find kindred spirits all over the world, isn't it?!

Debbie said...

I couldn't agree more about the blog friendships. I've so often considered myself such an oddball. It was so nice to discover this little world where there are other stay home wives and mothers who love to nest and see the world with eyes so much like my own. It made the world a little bit more comfortable.

Oh, how I wish we could have deck sitting weather, but we're not there yet. When it's still in the high nineties in the early evening, you know you have some waiting to go. Still, I will wait. I am not so anxious to rush the seasons.

kozimom said...

I enjoy reading blogs like your's because it's nice to see other women living lives similar to mine!
I have been doing THM for over a year and a half. It's really great and very doable. I have 9 children + 2 grandchildren, a son-in-law, and my hubby works shifts. I find it a great lifestyle. So far, I've lost 76 lbs and feel so much healthier!
Also, stevia is not an artificial sweetener. One of the great things about THM is that there are so many yummy desserts so that you don't feel deprived! That's what makes it doable even in the midst of large families!

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...