Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

So I've Decided

to give Trim Healthy Mama at try.

We've been eating well for years now - a lot of organic food, good local produce, raw milk.  But I realize now that I also had tons of carbs in my diet, and yet didn't feel like Adkins was the way to go.

I've been seeing a lot about Trim Healthy Mama online, there are a ton of recipes on Pinterest, and I joined the group on Facebook as well.

When we were in Florida, I found out that  a friend of my sister in laws, a gal I know as well, who reads my blog, but rarely comments, a great cook was doing THM and since January had lost about 50 pounds.  That is what spurred my looking into it more.

Like I said I joined the FB group, and bought the book.  I decided to take the plunge.  I have significant weight to lose, and this has given me hope that I can eat well, many of the things I already eat, just not mixing carbs and fats, and using Stevia and Erythritol (which is a sugar alcohol and is the what the sweetener Truvia is) instead of honey or evaporated cane sugar, to eat lower carb wraps etc.  I believe that this can work for me.

The other night I made tacos.  I could have everything that we use for tacos, so I just made my tacos with carb balance tortillas and regular tortillas for the family.  That is easy.  

Right now I am in the learning process still - What makes up an S (satisfying meal) and what makes an E (energizing meal), when to do a Fuel Pull etc…

I will keep you updated.  I'd appreciate your prayers, as the Lord may bring me to your mind.


Cheryl said...

Oh, good for you, Deanna!! It is a brave thing to embark on a change...and to do it publicly! I hope you'll be keeping us posted on how doable this plan is, what you like, what you don't. (I am in need of inspiration as I have not yet embarked. Sigh...)

sherry said...

will be keeping you in thought and prayer! :)

Lorrie said...

Minimizing refined carbs is how I manage my weight. I find it's become a lifestyle after about 10 years. When my weight is where I want it to be I can indulge in a day of overcarbing without ill effect. It's the first weeks that are most difficult. And I've never switched from honey or refined sugars. I just don't eat sweet stuff everyday. I plan one delicious dessert per week and find that satisfies.
I've not heard of TMH, but I'll investigate their pinterest board for recipe ideas.
There are days when I ask myself, "who is stronger - you or that slice of bread?" Some days the bread wins.
Best wishes on this new project!

Vee said...

All the best! I have to find something besides the sweeteners that end in "tol" as I have developed an intolerance to them. I was just watching a program on the use of fasting for weight control. Interesting.

kozimom said...

I've been doing THM for 20 months, and I've lost 78 pounds so far. I'm 48 years old, mother of 9, grandmother of 2, and post menopausal. I've struggled with weight most of my married life. Although I ate very healthy, I just continually gained. I'd try cutting calories, but then I was starved. Well, THM really works. My husband is basically trying to do it, too. Although he finds it harder to incorporate E meals as he works a lot of night shifts. It's harder for him to wait 3 hours before changing fuel sources, so he tends to stick with S. Anyway, I find it very doable even in a large family. I hope you do, too! I'll be praying for you!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


Thank you for that encouragement! I'm still learning the ins and outs of the plan, but feel like it is so doable!


sue said...

So excited for you Deanna!! I am actually now 1/2 lb from my goal weight. That's 60 lb lost !! You can do it!! There is a learning curve, but give yourself time!! A lot of good websites too. Email Esther for my email address and I can give you some! I'm here to cheer you on!! You can do it!!

Brenda said...

Great Deanna! I lost weight cutting carbs and high protein long before I discovered THM. I love the book and am learning even more. I love the muffin in a cup!
Good luck my friend, you can do it!

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