Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, November 27, 2017

I LOVE Christmas!

I shared this photo over on Instagram the other day.  I've since rearranged a few ornaments.  My granddaughter helped me put ornaments on the tree and several big ornaments were sharing a branch!  So a bit of discreet moving around and she'll never realize I moved things! (smile)

I love Christmas!  I love the cheer of the lights as we go into winter, and the symbolism of Jesus (who came in the flesh as a human) as the light of the world.  He came into a dark place in history, and the world was forever changed!  

I love hearing Silent Night on the radio or in stores, I love giving gifts, because I love people, just like God, who loves the whole world, gave the best gift ever because of that love!

I love Christmas music - especially Chris Tomlin's Adore cd.  We enjoy other Christmas music too, and movies, but I love keeping Christ in the forefront of our celebrations!

I'm going to get my Nativity sets out and when I figure out where they are all going, I'll share them with you in a post!

What's your favorite thing about Christmas?


Theresa said...

I love Christmas too:) Your tree is beautiful! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Kim said...

I'm with you, I love everything! And I moved a few ornaments, too. Usually it's my husband who is the clumping king! Haha! Enjoy your pretty view!

Estelle's said...

You are indeed in the spirit of Christmas Deanna...enjoy every minute..beautiful tree!

Sherry said...

***symbolism of Jesus (who came in the flesh as a human) as the light of the world. He came into a dark place in history, and the world was forever changed!***

amen .. sweet amen.
humbled by His grace. ♥♥♥

Linda said...

i love it all! Trees are my favorite!

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