Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, November 26, 2007

Christmas Decor

I wanted to show you what I have been up to this weekend. I am sorry for the slightly blurry quality of the pictures, my 5 year old has decided that she is a photographer and I am not sure what she has done with the camera.

This is our tree - I just love our tree every year - I learned years ago that in order to have a wonderful tree, regardless of what kind of ornaments you have, you must use approximately 100 lights per foot. So if you have a 7ft tree you need to use about 700 lights! No, I am not kidding. We place the first several hundred lights inside the branches close to the trunk. This gives your tree a glow from within! It is amazing, especially at night!

This is the top of our piano, I use greenery garlands, lights and a beautiful red plaid ribbon.

This is our bookcase by our front door. Green garlands, lights, red plaid ribbon.
This is our nativity. I placed in on top of our kitchen cabinets several years ago, as it is kind of big and there was no "safe" place for it. We really like it up there every year. I have pine garlands, with pine cones and white berries on it and of course, lots of lights.

This is over our sliding glass doors. The wall phrase says "God Bless This Home". Again garland, lights and red plaid ribbon.

This is my sweet chandelier, with ivy and red berries!

I try to add holiday touches to each room of the house and as I get more done, I will show them to you.


Anonymous said...

Love your tree!! We won't get our tree for awhile. I do like a lot of lights on a tree and then you turn off all the other lights!! Turn on the music and just soak it all in!!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Ahh, yes! I just love to have the tree and white lights on and all the other lights turned off!

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Oh I agree, the more lights on the tree the better. I'll have to count how many we have when we put ours up next weekend. Very cute chandelier!


Becky K. said...

Very pretty, Mrs. Rabe.
I must get started on the decorating.

Sandra Evertson said...

Your photos are lovely, they have a dream like uality!
Happy Holidays!
Sandra Evertson

Alicia @ said...

I like the tree! We will get ours in a couple weeks! Cant wait to decorate it! The lights look great on it!

kaity said...

i love the tree i never knew that 700 lights looked like not a lot. mom just told us that we usually use that much too. wow 700 lights. buts its beautiful. well have a wonderful day


Melissa G said...

Everything looks so pretty!
Mom said they enjoyed their visit with you all.
Andrew said I would have liked the puppies. That's for sure! =)

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...