Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Off to Shop!

Today the girls, my mom, Kyle and I are off to go to a few favorite shops and do a bit of Christmas shopping. Tim and my dad are off at our church's men's retreat, so Mom is spending the weekend with us.
Tonight we will be watching "Amazing Grace" on dvd.

Have a wonderful day.


Melissa G said...

Amazing Grace, that's a good movie. Andrew was a true gentleman and payed Crystal's and my way to go see it in the theater! Wasn't that sweet of him? My "little" brother is growing up! =)
Have fun shopping today!

Anonymous said...

I want to see the movie too!!! Can I join you??? Have fun!! Are you going to York or local?

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

We are going to watch it here at home, Mom bought it on dvd.

Shopping was fun today, but Kyle was distracting, and so was Sarah. They did really well, it is just hard to have them along.

Next time, no littles!

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