Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, April 17, 2008

A Fun Evening

Last night, Becky (Hospitality Lane) and I took our teenage daughters to our local shopping center parking lot. (This is the same shopping center she took her kids on a pizza and ice cream run the other night!)

My girls and I grabbed a quick treat at the BK drive thru and then waited for Becky and Chelsea. When they arrived with their little doggy Chloe, they climbed in our van. What we did next might be shocking. No, we did not go on a TPing raid.... We sat in the van and listened to Family Life Today's program with Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Dannah Gresh about their book "Lies Young Women Believe."

This was a great opportunity to be away from the distractions of our busy homes, and to spend time with our precious young women. The program was very good and the interview continues today and tomorrow. If you have young women in your life this is powerful stuff. How I wish their had been someone addressing these issues when I was a young woman.

They had a young woman named Erin on who gave testimony to the fact that she had nightmares every night, that were feed by her belief that she would be alone all her life. She had these for years, until she and Dannah discussed the fact that the underlying issue was really Erin's belief in several "lies." One of those lies was that "Every man in her life would leave her." (interestingly it started when her parents divorced) She believed the lie that Satan was whispering to her. As they prayed together Erin asked God to give her verses to replace the lies. The one God gave her for this was "I will Never leave you, nor forsake you."

Today's message will be on "Celebrating Inner Beauty - Why do young women often consider themselves less attractive than they really are?" You can read transcripts from every Family Life Today program by going to their website

Becky and I were able to share with our young women about lies that we believed as young women that really affected us in our adulthood, and the girls talked a little bit. It was fun and encouraging to have that time together. Young women like ours, being raised to honor and serve God, need lots of encouragement and opportunities to be with others who are being raised in a similar manner!


pauleen said...

Wow! Way to go - Kristen & I will be listening tonight - thanks for the information.

Becky K. said...

It was very worthwhile.

I did have to wonder if maybe someone would notice that I was in that shopping center two nights in a row around 9pm...tee hee.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Mrs. Rabe! I have known Dannah Gresh since we were teenagers and know that she is speaking from the heart and has been called into this ministry that takes so much courage. Speaking these truths is difficult but necessary!

Becky K.

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...