We had a fine time today. It was pretty well done for a small theater, but it was a bit odd. It was a musical. Not a stirring, emotional musical, just a musical. My favorites were Mr.and Mrs. Beaver. They were played by a married couple who gave them Cockney accents. They were charming and funny.
For lunch we had kid type foods, reminded me of a school cafeteria, mini burgers, chicken nuggets, fish sticks, mac and cheese, pizza, salad. It was pretty good. The kids all liked it.
We had great seats right in the front section by the orchestra pit. We always have a good time when we do things with our co-op. This was no exception. The families in our group are just so much fun.
Tonight, I am going to dinner with the co-op leadership. This is always a hoot!
All in all a fun day for me!
I like the way you put the picture on the side!!!! It's pretty enlarged like that!!!!
I will flip it for you to see if you like it better!!!
I liked our dinner last night!
Thanks for all that you do for the co-op...and for being a great friend!
Becky K.
Sounds like the children had a blast! I cannot imagine it as a musical but then again, you just never know. My children love those books and the movie :)
It sounds like this co-op is very cool. My friend and I meet once a week, and that is a blast... just not much for the children to go and do in this town :)
Sounds like fun!
I would love to have seen the Turkish Delight Medley. Or the "she's turning us into stone" slow emotional ballad.
Evan you are too funny!!
They should have YOU write the lyric. I think my problem with the overall show was that it was supposed to be serious, and yet the wolf and the beavers were playing it humorously.
Oh and by the way, there was a song "Turkish Delight". Seriously.
I have in my mind this big "Producers" type musical. I keep picturing big chorus line songs. Is it safe to say it won't be winning any Tony's?
is this the same that you saw?
I put the link to a youtube video.
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