Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, May 15, 2009

Bike Riding

There has been an awful lot of this going on around here lately!

Kyle loves when his daddy joins in the fun...

Happy boy...


Crystal’s Health Corner said...

Cute pics :-) I imagine he's really going to miss Daddy (as all of you will).

Praise the Lord Uncle Tim is healed enough to go back to work! I feel for your family, getting used to having Uncle Tim around, now missing him. I'm sure he misses his family as well!!


Becky K. said...

That's the Kyle we know and love!

Good to see Tim on the bicycle!

sherry said...

Tim's doing well! :o)

Your son's sweet feet on the bike pedals make me smile.


Alicia @ said...

Aw, how fun! Bike riding is so much fun, Tim just amazes me!!

Vee said...

Such sweet joy...

Thank you for visiting my little corner yesterday and for leaving a comment. I have heard your name hither and yon and now I see that you and Becky are homeschooling moms together. What fun to meet a friend of hers!

Anonymous said...

How adorable, Deanna! Is he riding barefoot? You know I *LOVE* that! And guess where we were last Sat? Shady Maple!!

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