Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, May 22, 2009


Our friends over at Hospitality Lane have some new chickens.  They invited us over to see them.

Aren't they the funniest, cutest little things?

Kyle loved them.  So did the girls.  So did I.

This is the whole little flock of them.  I could so easily see us having chickens...we may end up with a homestead here one day!


Karen said...

Run! Run fast, run far! Chickens are evil! ;-)

sherry said...

They really are just so precious. :o)


Melissa G said...

You should get some!

Becky K. said...

I was glad you weren't too afraid of my was nice to see all of you and to show off our little fluffballs.

Donna said...

Those little balls of fluff are so adorable!

Alicia @ said...

They are so so cute! I love little chicks, if only they stayed so little!

jennifer said...

Cool! I'm so excited - we get our chicks this week. 4 are ready tomorrow, the other 8 are ready next Tuesday!

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