Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, May 11, 2009

I'm Back!

Lots of busyness this past weekend, but beautiful weather! Hurray!

Because we were going to be at our state homeschool convention on Friday and Saturday, I did my big shopping day on Thursday.  I take out grocery money every two weeks and that week I do a big shop - everything on the menu for two weeks, all personal hygiene products, tp, laundry products, dish soap, dog food, vitamins - all come out of my grocery budget.  My budget is $300 for two weeks for our family of 8 people plus two dogs.  I don't know if that is good or not....I sometimes go over budget especially the last year or so when everything has gone sky high! What do you spend for your food budgets?

Anyway, on Thursday my sister in law had come into town from Senegal, West Africa where she and Tim's brother Dan serve as missionaries....her daughter Shelly was graduating from College of the Ozarks.  So we had her and our niece Carrie over for dinner so we could switch cars...Shelly was going to have alot of stuff to bring home from college.

My parents came to stay  two nights to be with the little ones while Tim, Lindsay, Emily and I were away during the day on Friday and Saturday.  The little ones have so much fun with Grandma and Grandpa, who surprised them with a fun trip to the Toy Train Museum!  My dad also was the feeder of the horses!  We are so thankful to be close with them and to have them in our lives.  We are all blessed.
Our convention was wonderful, as usual.  It is such a blessing to attend and volunteer our time to help others.  This year our volunteer time was a little longer than normal, but was good.  The state board does an amazing job keeping us up to date on the law, and other bills that would affect families or homeschooling and in putting on the largest homeschool convention in the country!  We are happy to be able to help out.  I usually make all my purchases for the coming year at the convention, but with Tim being on disability, we decided to just mainly look around at materials and to plan to order on line at a later date.  Also with Tim still recovering from his hip surgery, we needed to do more sitting than normal this year, so we took in alot more seminar speakers.  We were so blessed to be able to hear Little Bear Wheeler again.  He does the most fantastic historical devotional presentations...George Washington, William Wallace, Sgt. York....we found out that he is retiring from speaking to concentrate on pastoring full time!  I don't know how long his ministry supplies will be available, so if you are a fan of his materials, you may want to consider making a purchase now!

We also heard Maggie Hogan she is always good and so encouraging on whatever topic she speaks on...My favorite speaker this year was Doug Phillips. He is very encouraging and engaging...I so appreciate the heart of his messages about the family.  Lindsay bought me a copy of his new book "The Little Boy Down The Lane" and had him autograph it he tells stories of home life and family culture.  I am enjoying it.  He had his whole family with him this year.  It was nice to see them interact with each other and with others...they are a real, friendly, cheerful.  

Yesterday, we went to church and then out to eat with my parents.  We went to Cracker Barrel, and didn't have the longggggg wait that we usually do, IF we eat out on Mother's Day.  It was a nice treat.  Then we came home and the girls worked with the horses and rode, Tim flew kites and rode bikes with the kids, I made our favorite cake for spring time (yellow cake, strawberries and whipped cream frosting!).  We played games and talked and was a lovely day.

I have been poking around looking at your blogs...I am thankful for you all.  I so appreciate the lack of gossip, strife and talebearing on your little homes on the web!  It makes them a delightful place to visit.

We are officially done with our required days for school this year, but are finishing up some math and reports....what are you all up to this week?


Becky K. said...

We are ten days away from our official end date. We would be closer but last week we had a ton of dentist and doctor appointments.

So...other than more dentist appointments this week and PT for Jonathan we will be working on school and planting some annuals.

It is good to get the flower beds back under control.

By the way....the June issue of Good Housekeeping has a feature on Peasant Blouses. You are ahead of the curve...and yours don't cost a fortune. Way to Go!

Have a sweet Monday!

~~Deby said...

A belated HAPPY Mother's day to you.......I too am thankful for such sweet spirited blog friends...that love GOD, their families and share their lives etc...they enrich my life..I know your blog does..

Karen said...

Your cakes sounds wonderful. How do you make your whipped cream frosting?

We are still plugging away at school. It's hard to stick with it when the weather gets nice again. We don't have a set number of days, we just continue until we finish the curriculum. Some years it's earlier than others but I generally aim to finish in early June so they don't forget so much over the summer.

I'm looking forward to our convention this weekend. Yours sounds like it was great!

Abounding Treasures said...

Your past week sounds busy but fun, special and wonderful!

Like you, I appreciate the wonderful atmosphere here amongst the blogs that I visit regularly ... everyone is so caring and real and their joy in the Lord shines through :o)

Blessings to you as this week unfolds!

sherry said...

We have a few homeschool conference in our general area so choosing wisely is .. well .. wise. ;o) The main one I attend is the last week of July. The speakers are informative and encouraging. Attending a conference always helps in getting me geared up for another year. I no longer homeschool but am active in the hs community.

Cracker Barrell. thud. ;o)


Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...