Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, May 4, 2009

This Weekend

This weekend was a busy one.  

It started off on Friday night, with homemade pizza.  I have an old crust recipe - I have never liked.  When I went to make my crust - I couldn't find my recipe!  It was a God thing, because after searching the internet for a recipe, with no luck, I remembered Tracy has a cooking blog called "Mama's Fixin's".  I search her archives and found a wonderful crust recipe!  I will be using this recipe from now on.  Yummy.  I didn't have any meat for it, so we just used sweet peppers and onion and lots of Mozzarella cheese!  It was delicious!

Tim has been helping to work on a project at our church building...they are putting a second bathroom in!  So he and some of the kids went there Friday evening to do some work.

Saturday we went to a fire company breakfast.  All of our local fire departments are volunteer run.  This is one way they make money to pay for new equipment etc...  My Dad is the president of this fire company and the fire police captain, so we went to support them.  Also, Tim and the kids have been helping with the set up etc., lately so they got their breakfast free.  

We all have these company t-shirts, but Tim is the only one who wore his!

Here is my dad, Captain Bob or as the Amish in the company call him "Blinker Bob."  That nickname came about by his blue lights flashing when they get a call.  Most of the Amish have nicknames that they go by as they tend to use the same first names over and over, so to distinguish who they mean when they say "Sam" they use a nickname.  So California born Bob has been given an Amish nickname...

Here the kids are sitting on the back of one of the trucks.  Kyle is obviously overcome with affection for Emily!

This photos show you how large these trucks are!

This is one of the older trucks...

This is one of the original pieces of equipment.  I am glad they are not having to use this pumper to put out barn fires and houses.....

Sunday, we went to church and had a fellowship dinner after.  When that was over, time just got away from us and we found that it was 5:00, then 5:30 etc... we needed to head home to feed horses and dogs, so we invited everyone to come our way.  Kelly and her family came and so did  Pastor Mike.  We had so much fun - we ate pizza, talked, played games, talked some was a wonderful time!  We didn't take any pictures yesterday, because we were having so much fun. Next time I promise to be a good blogger and take photos!


Melissa G said...

Wow, you did have a busy weekend!
It looked like a lot of fun though.

And i see Kyle in his cute shirt!

sherry said...

Oh, what a full and meaningful weekend! Blinker Bob - hehe. Like that. The pizza's look yummmmmmy! Love how your little guy is so affectionate. :o)


Karen said...

Your pizza looks SO yummy!

Clarence hooked the gas up to the grill last night so we could have burgers. Now I can fix grilled pizza sometime soon. Can't wait.

Your Kyle is such a cutie. The girls are adorable, too, but I just love kids his age. So sweet!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...