Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Some Senior Pictures

I took a few "informal" senior pictures the other day.  Lindsay needed one for a write up for our co-op yearbook.  She is a casual kind of girl and these outdoor shots suit her.

However, you just can't stop the love of a young brother, even though you are trying to take pictures.

So why not let every one join in?

Lindsay is a delight to our family, and we look forward to what the Lord has for her. 


Becky K. said...

They turned out great!

I'm glad she didn't go "formal".

Have a wonderful weekend!

Donna said...

She is a beautiful young lady, and I can easily see her joyful spirit in those pictures!

Phyllis said...

What beautiful pictures of my sweet Lindsay girl and of course all the pictures are delightful. What beautiful grandchildren I have. I am indeed blessed.

Karen said...

Nice pictures!

You have beautiful children.

Anonymous said...

Dear Rabes,
Hi! I love getting on your blog and seeing how you all are! I send a big hug from GA!
When I saw Lyndsas pictures,I was touched to the heart. I just wanted to say how beautiful she is,not the kind of beauty you get from a jar,but the awesome kind that comes from loving the Lord and trying to honor your parents,and having joy in your heart! I know she is a blessing to you all! May she draw closer to the Lord in the days and years to come. What a wonderful friend and God He is as we walk through life!
Much Love,
Katie Smith

Melissa G said...

Ohh, those are great pictures! Lindsay is such a beautiful young lady!

Alicia @ said...

Aw, great pics! The last picture of her is so good!

Anonymous said...

She is such a beautiful young woman. It's all the PA fresh ait , sunshine, and your delicious cooking! ;)
Ruth, PA

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Thank you all for your sweet comments!

Katie Smith - so wonderful to hear from you! We love y'all and are so happy for you all on the birth of that sweet precious daughter! I am sending you something soon!

Anonymous said...

You will have soooo much fun this senior year you can sy your almost done with school and then off the college woo hoo i have 2 weeks left and i cant wait and im excited to come see you guys


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


Lindsay is graduating this year! We will be celebrating in late June!

Unknown said...

Your Lindsay has a SWEET face! The pictures were fun and I'm warmed that the others got to POP IN as well!

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