Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Life Lately

I am such a blessed woman.  Really.  God's Grace in my life has been abundant.  I am thankful.

I am finding that I am in need of some "leaning hard" into Him, lately.  

I am not one who normally finds herself "all stressed out."  But I find that stress keeps trying to make its way into my life.

I have a friend with an ongoing illness.

I have an adult child who is not walking with the Lord...and is living here at home.

We have two family weddings this year.  

We have an uncle near the end of his life.

I run a homeschool co-op.  This is a busy time for me with memberships, our website, policy changes.  With nearly 60 members there are alot of personalities to interact with!

My darling has gone back to work and he is finding it hard to get everything done.  Therapy, exercise, maintaining our mower, trying to get the horse shed/barn started- these are some of the stresses in his life...besides being a dad and husband, trying to have family worship every evening...he is so tired.  My work as his helpmeet is a delight to me - except when I can't physically help him.  I just make sure he has good things to eat, coffee with sweetened condensed milk - just the way he likes it - I pray for him, too.  But I am a fixer and want to solve all the problems!

We have a bbq for our oldest son's birthday this Sunday - Rachel's birthday is next Sunday....

I am finding a need to continue to cling to the Lord and let Him carry me through. Lest you think, these items are a burden to me - they are not.  I am delighted to encourage and pray for my friend.  I am praying for my son and am glad to be in the position of being light in the darkness.  It is a privilege to pray for our Uncle's family and for him.  The families in our co-op are great!  I am so pleased to serve them in this way.  I adore being my husbands helpmeet!

Thanks for listening....and if you think about it, please pray for me.  This is just normal life...I guess it was just on my heart this morning and decided to open up and be real. 


Becky K. said...

You are on the back side of a very big deal with Tim's surgery. It is so natural to gear up...but what goes up does have to come down. Hopefully things even out soon. If not, God will give you strength and wisdom. No question.

I appreciated seeing you today. Sorry for the ugliness of my red nose and eyes. However, I love that we can spend time together.

I pray for you...and yours.

Becky K.

Karen said...

That is a lot for one plate.

I'm glad you don't see them as burdens-you seem to see them as opportunities. Still, they are all difficult things.

I'm praying for you.

PS-I'm afraid to try coffee with SC milk. Sounds wonderful-and I don't need to discover more wonderful. ;-)

sherry said...

Bless you as you walk the path our Lord has you on, dear friend. In Him you will find contentment, strength and joy in the midst of various form of blessings..all to bring you to a closer walk with Him. He is ever faithful.

I'm praying <><


Phyllis said...

Don't forget "50th" party. Only kidding. I am thinking a get away with your family and ours may be just the thing. I am not sure any other family members would be coming and probably no friends from CA. If CA family comes we will do something else and that will be great as well. Sorry to add to your stress. I will help with Rachels b'day.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


You are not adding to my stress - it is not really stress. I think it is more an issue of feeling the emotions of everything going on...wanting so much to meet the needs I see around me...

bookflutterby said...

You have a wonderful attitude about it! I always find it helps to pray every morning for God to fill you with the fruit of the spirit and ask for wisdom- He does give it! Praying for you!

Alicia @ said...

Its a lot to balance!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...