Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, May 1, 2009

I Will Rejoice In The Lord

                                                          Photo Credit - Emily Rabe

This morning I was listening to the new songs on my blog.  They are by Nathan Clark George.  We first learned about him, his music and his family by watching the Franklin Springs Film "Pull Up A Chair."  We really liked his story and his music, he writes scripture songs...The first song that plays on my blog is called "I Will Rejoice," from Habakkuk 3.

The prophet tells us starting in verse 17,  "though the fig tree may not blossom, Nor fruit be on the vines; though the labor of the olive may fail, and the fields yield no food, though the flock may be cut off from the fold, and there be no herd in the stalls - Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my Salvation."

I think this is so encouraging for our daily lives...

Though we see changes in our country that cause us concern,
Though we see loved ones struggling,
Though our beloved elderly family members are near the end of their time,
Though we see difficulties "on every side",
Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior!

Just like Habakkuk, I will choose to rejoice in God!  He is my only peace, shelter and strength.  In the midst of sadness or fear there can be JOY.

Have a great day rejoicing!


Becky K. said...

My Mom holds tightly to this passage since Daddy has gone to Heaven.

It shows!

Alicia @ said...


BTW...awesome pic Emily!

ImagineCozy said...

What an uplifting message. We do need to be reminded, especially when all around us things do often look somewhat dreary.

I love the house at the top of your blog!

Kelly said...

Absolutely! I was just talking to a lady at co-op today about almost the exact same thing. We were talking about how people need to go to the Lord because in times like these it may come down to just you and the Lord and that's the best place to be. Putting our faith in the Lord is so much more important and comforting than putting our faith in the government and our current president.

From the Old InkWell said...

Words of wisdom.

BTW, your blog is a warm and friendly place.

Blessings, Marsha

sherry said...

So true, dear friend. Thank you for sharing these important truths.


Unknown said...

Amen! I'll go to bed now rejoicing! What great inspiration and a reminder not to dwell on the terrible news of the days!

Anonymous said...

Great post! I will rejoice in God our Father with you.

Tina Kay

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