Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, May 18, 2009

This And That

We had a very fun, but busy weekend!

Saturday, the kids and I went to Longwood Gardens for a few hours...there was a blogger get together there, but it was drizzly and we had plans to go to our friends' house for the afternoon and evening.  It was nice to meet Karen, and Jill and Jim and to spend time with the Hospitality Lane folks!  (Hope you are feeling better Becky!)

Tim worked in the morning on Saturday then we headed over to our friend's house in the afternoon...we always have such a great time with them, and we haven't been to their place for awhile...the kids played all afternoon, took a break to eat and then headed out again...for the younger folk, they jumped on the trampoline, gathered wild flowers, feed the horses...the old ones, explored the creek and came back soaked!

Then we made s'mores over a campfire, and watch a storm move in...we left later than we planned (big surprise!).  We came home, made some food for our fellowship meal after church on Sunday and collapsed into bed!

Sunday we woke to chilly weather.  We did all our morning routine and headed out for was a very good service and we really appreciate our church family.  After our fellowship meal, we were getting ready to head home and Tim said "do you want to invite anyone over?" I replied "sure!"  So Kelly and family and pastor Mike were talked into coming over! hee hee.  We appreciate having likeminded friends for our family to spend time with.  We appreciate having a pastor who loves to spend time with our families and who is so patient with our little ones.  Sarah particularly loves to play chess with Mike!

This week we are working on some plans for our son's birthday which is Sunday.  In case you are noticing a trend, yes, we have a lot of birthdays in May; my dad on the 5th, mom on the 15th, Nate on the 24th, Rachel on the 31st.  We have two nieces who have birthdays in May, and two of Tim's siblings have anniversaries in May...kind of a busy month for us.

On a more serious note...we had a phone call yesterday afternoon from Tim's sister.  His Uncle Don, who has been home on hospice care, was very close to the end.  They did not expect him to last the night, and we would appreciate prayer for the family, as their daddy, grandpap, and uncle will be gone.  He is the last of his siblings to go.  Oh, I almost forgot both Uncle Don and Aunt Marylou have birthdays this month - 4 days apart.  Pray for sweet Aunt Marylou, her health is fragile as well.  We likely will be headed across the state for a funeral this week.

Thanks for your prayers in advanced!  It is a blessing to know I can share my heart with you and that you will pray for us!

I hope your week is wonderful.


Ronda said...

Good Mornin Mrs. Rabe,

Please know that you and your family will be in my prayers.

Love & Prayers,

Becky K. said...

Praying for your family in this time of loss.

Thanks for being you. I am glad you were the hostess last night. I know it was very much appreciated.

Unknown said...

Oh Dear! You sound almost as busy as I am except you have more kids in the mix! hehe It's such a pleasure to know we have good godly friends, isn't it?
PS: Happy Birthday to EVERYONE!!

~~Deby said...

Praying for your family too...
I am glad you had such a great weekend.....Christian fellowship is just a taste of heaven

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...