Welcome to my garden!
This is the arch in the front cottage garden.

These sweet flowers are on the front step.
This is my mini rose that my sweet Emily gave me for Mother's Day. The colors are much more vibrant than my camera shows.

This sweet bird needs a bit of paint, just like the fence does. I love to light it in the evening and let its light shine in the garden.
This is around the back of the house near the deck. It takes a lot of abuse, but keeps blooming every year.
I hope you have enjoyed a peek at my garden...it will hit its stride soon with Daisies, Purple Coneflower, Black Eyed Susans, Hollyhocks....loveliness.

Your lit walkway is gorgeous...your readers will just have to take our word for it!
Is that bottom picture spirea? If so, we've hacked ours back several times and it doesn't seem at all bothered.
Last fall, however, it was brutally hacked because it was in the way when they were siding the house. I need to check and see how it's looking these days.
Loved the tour of your garden!
Becky could have used that first picture for her fence post yesterday! It looks so nice.
There are a couple little pansy's poking their way up through our pavement out back. It's amazing. When ever i see them I think of the saying "bloom where you're planted".
I think it is a spirea! I have seen so many in our area that are huge and overflowing with blooms...I don't think that will happen to this one in this spot! :)
Thank you Becky!
It is amazing, isn't it Missy, how some plants can thrive in such amazing conditions....pansies are sweet!
I'm in love with your picket fencing. Can a person *be* in love with fencing? Hm. Well, I am. Putting wee lanterns on the fencing would about do me in..wow.
The flowers are beautiful and varied. Love the pansey faces and the upcoming surprise of blossoms on the spirea.
Beautiful garden vignettes!
Referring to what Jane said, YES! A person can be in love with picket fencing! I am in love most fences that surround gardens!
Beautiful pics! Thanks for letting us see your place!
Perfect cottage garden...the trellis is just the right touch...are you going to grow a climbing rose up the side?
Love spring so I can see flowers blooming all around me.
Your garden is heavenly beauty. Keep loving them and it will give you more flowers.
Have a nice day!
Thanks for all your kind comments about the garden...GartenGrl - I do want a climbing rose there eventually but this year probably not...the trellis is primed but not painted and I know probably need to wait until Autumn to get that done. So this year I am growing a Black-Eyed Susan vine on it! It will be so cheery and fun.
Beautiful pictures! Isn't May grand?
I love the fencing and the flowers! I wish I had some peonies! A neighbor has a whole side yard of roses mixed with peonies - it's the most beautiful thing!
How pretty! And I love your white picket fence. :o)
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