We have very few books with these kinds of covers, most of our books are paperback, because they are more affordable. We buy a lot of books as we are all avid readers.
My sister in law Paula over at Gathering of Friends has been reading a series of non fiction books by Niall Williams and Christine Breen about their life in Ireland.
Paula has talked about these books for a few months now, and I am intrigued so I got on our county library system website and found two of the books, and reserved them. However they did not have the first book so I got on Amazon and ordered it. It cost me 1 penny plus $3.99 for shipping. Oh, I just realized I should have ordered it through your widget Brenda! Sorry! I will try to remember for next time!
I am looking forward to reading this series, and I will review them here for you. I like to read fiction, non fiction, doctrine, history. I don't read tons of secular fiction as I don't want to read s*x scenes or a lot of profanity.
I have started rereading 'Persuasion' by Jane Austen, as I am going to be teaching a literature class on this book in the Fall. This is one of my favorites of Jane's, my other favorite being 'Pride and Prejudice.'
I love biographies. I am currently reading a newer book by Amy Grant called Mosaic, Pieces of my Life So Far. I also love Historical Fiction especially from Europe or the Southern United States.
Becky K.
I read that book by Amy Grant - I thought it was pretty good.
I like biographies as well - the ones by Barbara Bush were very enjoyable.
dee, that is how I ordered books 3 and 4!! I already have notice that they are shipped!!!!
I can't wait to read them!!!!
you will like this dee!!!!!
Books are amazing. I often find myself in the bathtub reading!!!!! Your pictures of them are super duper pretty.!
I, and my boys, love books as well. I like to read Christian Fiction, of which I have two favorite series: The O'Malley series by Dee Henderson and, oh, the title and author of the other series escapes me now, but it is about a girl living on a plantation in the South whose family is killed, and she and a slave girl begin to take care of each other.
I also like non fiction books that help to encourage me in my walk with the Lord and guide me in His ways.
I also like some secular fiction. My favorite authors of this genre being Danielle Steele and Dean Koontz.
I also like a good biography once in a while.
I simply LOVE books!
I love to read also. My preference has changed in the past few years, though. I only read non-fiction and self-help books.
Have always wanted to read Jane Austen.
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