Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Schedule Adjustments

Does this look like me reading Little House on the Prairie? This is a painting of Mrs. Cassatt reading to her grandchildren, but I liked it!

Did I tell you that my husband is working 2nd shift these days? That has lead to a need to adjust my daily routine a bit. Now in addition to doing school during the day, we are having our main family meal in the early afternoon. We also are trying to keep up with having family devotions, which means it's in the mornings now. Also sometimes Tim likes us all to run errands with him, or sometimes just me. :)

This week looked like this - Monday we went to my parents home in the morning. Tim dug their wood pile out and brought wood into the garage storage for them. Then we went to pick up my repaired sewing machine.

Tuesday was a normal day for us with school in the morning and bowling in the afternoon - Tim was able to go with us which was fun.

Today, we spent at home. I took Emily out this afternoon to get her hair cut and to run some errands before co-op tomorrow.

Tomorrow, Tim and I will get up and out the door early to go take a look at a gas dryer that he found on Craig's List. It is already set up for propane and is a really good price. We need to drive about an hour to check it out. Then we may try to do lunch or brunch before I need to leave for co-op in the early afternoon.

All this to say, that I haven't even used my sewing machine one time yet! But I do like this schedule with my husband. We get the best of his day, and it's fun. This is his first week on this schedule and we will all get adjusted to the routine. I love being available to help him, and the kids love to ride along on errands etc...All in all it's a good thing.


Becky K. said...

I hope the dryer is just the right thing.
See you later!

Sue said...

What a joy and pleasure to read your posts.I have been off line for a while and have been trying to catch up on some of my favorite blogs.
I love it when my husband calls and ask me to run errands with him.
The painting is beautiful, when our grand children visit it is one of the pleasures I most enjoy. What a joy when they gather around you and are so attentive to your words.

Tracy said...

I think 2nd shift can be a great shift for a dad of homeschoolers to work. I'm glad it seems to be working out for you.

Karen said...

Clarence often says that he should probably go to 2nd shift because I'm a night owl and the girls tend that way, too. Second shift is nice for homeschooling families, since they can adjust the schedule pretty easily.

Was it Tim's choice to change?

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

The guys in his shop all have to rotate shifts...though sometimes they make deals with each other to stay on a certain shift etc...

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